Chapter Twenty Four

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I looked at my text.

"The twins have been born, twenty minutes ago via c section." It read, from Catherine. "John Phillip and Alana Juliette Valois-Fleming. Seven pound nine ounces each, John first. Hope you're gonna be okay, baby. Love, mom." I read. Louder than I wished, I sighed, bringing Kenna and Greer's attention towards me.

"What's up?" my half sister in law asked me. I threw her the cell phone.

"I'm a step mom now." I said, ever so enthusiastically. Nestling into my latest lover's lap where my head lay upon, I tried to draw strength from him, but it was fruitless.

"I have no words." Kenna sighed, tossing the phone to Greer, who threw it at me in return.

"You had a text." my closest friend said, explaining why she threw it so quickly.

"Who from?" Kenna asked, fiddling with her engagement and wedding rings.

"Francis." I replied, quieter than before. "It's from Francis."

"What does it say?"

"The twins have been born. I wish you were their mother. I love you. I miss you. I'm sorry" I read out the brief text.

"I guess that's why Lola posted what she did earlier." Kenna said, after several minutes silence.

"Huh?" Greer asked for the both of us.

"You haven't read her declaration of love?" the pretty, bohemian brunette rolled her honey hazel eyes.

"Tell us."

"Okay, okay." Kenna whipped out her phone and went to Lola's twitter, which had been flooded with hate for several months. "As I write these words, I lay in a hospital bed. My labour has been dangerous and now I will be cut open like a carving ham to save their lives. This day is bittersweet. I am ecstatic over the impending birth of my babies, however I think of the woman I betrayed worse than anybody could have ever imagined. I owe Mariposa Valois-Angulème everything. My friend, my sister, she gave me employment and impressive financial gain, she showed me the world and I will forever be grateful towards her. In a way, she is the one I should be thanking for my children. In another, I will never forgive myself for the children and I pay for my betrayal every day. I am disowned and alone. I live off the hospitalises of my children's fathers' family. I think of my husband whom I betrayed to get here. I pay every ray for my mistakes and now of no reason why I should interrupt Mariposa's severance of contact between us both. I simply wish for her to know how sorry I am and always will be. For her to know how much I love her and always will."

"Are you gonna go see her and the kids?" I asked the three. I knew full well they were still in contact with her. And they had every right to still talk to Lola, it wasn't them she betrayed. It was me. "I won't be offended."

"Of course not, we came here to be with you, babe!" Kenna bumbled over, plopping down on my exposed stomach from where my black cami rode up and my VS black sweatpants fell down. "We love you," Kenna cooed at me. I smiled at her.

"Careful, babe," Greer said from the other side of the room. "Bash'll get jealous," she drawled from her cup of soda. I smirked at Kenna and she chuckled in response, getting herself comfortable.

"You've gained weight," she noted. "I'm proud'a you."

"Chubby?" I drawled from underneath her, quite comfortable, truth be told.

"Healthy," she insisted, lowering herself down on me, kissing my nose before hopping straight off.


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