Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Doesn't this look familiar?" Kenna smirked, coming into one of the living rooms. Looking up at her from my position on the couch, I quirked a brow at her as my bohemian half sister in law made her way back into the cosy, large room, lit up only by the fireplace and the TV set high upon the wall.

"What?" I asked, leaning up upon my elbows.

"This is just like when we found out about the kids," she took her place by her husband as my inner circle sat in the same room as I. "We're in the same places," Kenna looked around the room, spotting Alouysious and Greer, Aylee and Andrew, herself and Sebastian. "And you've got a new lover boy," she smirked at myself and my new piece of arm candy. He quirked a dark eyebrow at myself and her.

"So, I'm a name on a long list?" he asked, his voice lower than usual. I huffed, getting up from his lap to sit up next to him.

"No, we both know what this is and what it could ever be." I answered coolly, never one to explain my relationships in front of guests, family or not. I looked at Kenna again. "Your point being?"

"It's ironic," she grinned. "and we've got some tea."

"What now?" I complained.

"Look at former lover boy's Instagram." she tossed me her phone, already open onto a former boyfriends' account. A talented, up and coming rapper and I had shared a few weeks together, but it was nothing more than what I had with my new actor boy. Sex, comfort, companionship. No strings attached. Strings tended to choke me nowadays.

I glared at the newest post, a video. Things had ended messily between him and I. We had done some scandalous songs, and our romance was scandalous in it's own right. It hadn't been a real relationship, never labelled. But things had gotten bad and I walked a few days before finding my apparently threatened new side piece. There weren't emotions between him and I, I cared for him as a friend or a coworker, and he did the same. But all we had were sex, drugs and a way to make more money.

"Yeah, if I could go back to that day we met I probably would just stay in bed,

You run your mouth all over town

And this one goes out to the sound 

Of breaking glass on my Range Rover 

Pay me back or bitch, it's over 

All the presents I would send 

Fuck my friends behind my shoulder 

Next time I'ma stay asleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep, oh" the first chorus went on. Subconsciously, my hand tightened upon Kenna's phone, so much so I had to contemplate buying her another one.

I scoffed in irritation and saw the reactions of shock from my girlfriends and half brother in law. I glared at the cell phone. He knew what we were gonna be, no strings attached, just a little bit of fun and publicity to make more money together. Just names in a long list, was the correct phrase we had used.

"What a dick!" Sebastian scoffed as we finished up the song. I shook my head in anger as the notifications continued to blare upon my phone. It was obvious that this new song was about me, but why should it even exist in the first place? We were never exclusive, he took others and so did I. We never had feelings for each other, all him and I, and all the others after Francis -including the one I had to my right-  had always been just a little bit of fun, some exuberance to explore my youth and freedom with. I didn't owe a fucking thing to them, and they to me. So this song was completley out of left field.

"What are you gonna do?" Aylee asked me as I answered the frantic messages from my professional team whilst watching the comments and tweets and DMs get higher and higher and higher. I shook my head, seeing equal amounts of hate and support upon my most recent Instagram post, all the while being told of articles being written about me and him and this song.

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