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        "Is he going to be ok?" Grian asked quietly as Ren began to put the medical supplies away.

        "I think so." He replied, and Mumbo looked up from his twiddling thumbs.

        "You think?" 

        "Well, I did as much as I could for him, but he lost a lot of blood. Now it's just a matter of waiting until he wakes up. And I know just what to do while we wait." Ren stated as he stood from the ground and walked over to a few of Iskall's chests. The other two Architechs followed him curiously as he sat on one and motioned for them to sit with him. They did, and Ren took a deep breath before looking over to Grian. "We are going to figure out who is doing this and why. There has to be something you missed, someone you left out." He prodded. 

          "Why are you so convinced that this person is doing this because of me?" Grian asked defensively, but Mumbo put a hand on his shoulder to calm him. 

        "Grian, you and I both know this person is here because of you. No one else on this server has bad blood with anyone except for you." Mumbo tried, but Grian pushed his hand off of his shoulder and felt anger bubble up into his throat. 

        "Look, it's not my fault my friend turned out to be a psychopath! Oh but trust me, you two know what you're talking about! Because if anyone knows anything about Sam or how deranged he was, it's you two! Cause I'm just the SAD LITTLE MAN SAM'S RAMPAGE LEFT BEHIND! AND YOU'RE THE HIGH AND MIGHTY PEOPLE WHO GET TO LIVE NORMAL LIVES AFTER GOING THROUGH THAT!" He stood from the chest he was sitting on and stormed out of the building and as they both got up to follow him, they heard a lot of coughing and wheezing. They stopped and looked over at Iskall, who's eyes were now open and wide as he heaved immensely. Ren looked at Mumbo, trying to decide whether to chase after Grian or help Iskall. Even though he hadn't even said anything, Mumbo replied,

        "He just needs to blow off steam. He'll talk to us when he's ready. Right now, we have to know what happened to Iskall." Ren nodded in agreement as they ran over to Iskall, who continued to cough but struggled to say something. Finally, once he got a bit of breath into his lungs, he said simply,

         "It's not Sam."

The wind lashed onto Grian's tear-soaked face as he flew as fast as he could, as far as possible. He didn't care about the almost painful feeling of the cold winds whipping onto his face as he flew, he just knew he needed to get away and think. Finally, his rockets had begun to deplete, and he knew he only had enough to get home left. He looked around himself and didn't recognize his surroundings. He landed softly on the tip of the mountain he was flying over and sat, his body still buzzing from the adrenaline and sudden stopping of movement. He breathed uneven breaths as he put his head in his hands and his body shook uncontrollably. His mind raced through different images he tried to repress but continued to flood through him. He saw Ren and Mumbo's faces as he yelled at them. He saw Iskall's bleeding body lying almost lifeless on the ground. He saw Sam's distressed and screaming face as he was pulled away by multiple policemen. He saw Taurtis' face, frozen and twisted in pain as Sam's knife left his body. He connected all of the horrible images to one thing. Himself. Every face of pain, every ounce of hurt in his friends, was all put there by him. With nothing else to do, Grian stood on the tip of the mountain and screamed. He screamed for as long and as loud as he could. Everything bubbled up inside of him rose to the top in that scream, and he almost didn't recognize it. With his feeling of helplessness all that was left in him, he screamed.

Sorry for the really short chapter, but I promise the fun stuff is coming up. Also, guess what I'm going to write after this story ends... A fourth book! No, I'm just kidding, but I do have an idea for a new Griangsty hermitcraft story once this one is over. Anyway, thank you for reading this short and angsty chapter. It was a chapter that was important to the plot and also kinda a vent at the same time so yeah. I hope you have a good day/night, and you are lovely. 

Missing (Third in An Old Friend Series) //Hermitcraft & Yhs Crossover\\Where stories live. Discover now