Karma Mini-Series!!

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Hiya! I'm just here to say that there is a new "An Old Friend" themed mini-series I'm writing. It is the many "deaths" Grian experienced when injected with Sam's bad magic serum stuff. BUT BE CAREFUL. THAT BOOKS MAIN PURPOSE IS TO DEPICT DEATH IN GRUESOME AND AWFUL WAYS. EACH CHAPTER IS NAMED EXACTLY WHAT KIND OF DEATH IT IS SO IT IS EASY TO NAVIGATE POTENTIAL TRIGGERS, BUT STILL, BE CAREFUL. Anyway, you can find it in my "Griangst One Shot" book, all of the chapters titled "KD:" and then a death are "Karma Deaths" as I call them. Enjoy, and please be careful and know your limits! Thanks again for reading!

Missing (Third in An Old Friend Series) //Hermitcraft & Yhs Crossover\\Where stories live. Discover now