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        "What do you mean 'Grian'?" Keralis asked as they all quickly made their way through the ship, slightly lost but pulling through.

        "I mean, I didn't just come here alone. Grian was planning to, but I stopped him and came with." Ren huffed as he looked around a corner, sad to see nothing but more doors.

        "So where is he now?" Cub asked nervously.

        "Well, we split up. I came down here to find you guys, and he went up looking for Yuki." He stated.

        "Yuki. So that's her name." Impulse added and False looked at him confused. 

        "Why does it matter what her name is? We need to find Grian now. We don't know who that scream belonged to." She finished as they all rushed down the hallways in silence. Meanwhile, Yuki had begun to descend the stairs as Grian's scream died down. She looked at him like a person dying of hunger looks at a piece of perfectly cooked steak. And that's all he was to her. A piece of meat ready for slicing and dicing. The murderous look in her eye, much the same as the one she had when she stopped him at the courthouse, caused Grian's heart rate to pick up and beat even faster than it already was. He couldn't breathe. This was Sam all over again. Only this time, she would play as nice as Sam always had. Grian tried his best to back away from her, but with only one usable leg, he was only able to drag himself with his arms. She followed him, laughing hysterically before reaching down and grabbing the collar of his red sweater. With just one arm, she lifted him off of the ground and slammed him into the wooden wall behind him. Grian's breath was taken from him as his body slammed against the wood. She held him there at eye level with her as her laughter turned to manic crying. 

        "You took him from me! You killed him! He was the only person that ever cared about me and you killed him!" She screamed into his face and he was only able to turn his head away from her. 

        "B-But Yuki, I cared about you. And so did Taurtis-" She pulled him away from the wall just to slam him against it again.

        "LIAR!" This time, after slamming him into the wood, she let him drop. Instinct took over as he placed both feet on the ground before he was painfully reminded of how broken his leg was. He yelped in pain as he crumpled to the floor, Yuki still towering over him. "None of you cared for me! Not you! Not Taurtis! Not my dad! NOBODY! Except for Sam." She leaned down to face Grian again and he tried his best again to crawl away from her. "But you KILLED HIM!" She shrieked and slashed her knife down. Grian raised his arm to block the blade, causing the knife to cut through the sleeve of his sweater and the flesh beneath it. Grian grabbed onto his arm in pain and looked up at her with tears running down his face.

        "But why take my friends?" He asked with the last bit of adrenaline lingering in his chest. 

        "Hah! Wow, you really are stupid, aren't you? Can't you see? I wanted to leave you the same way you left me. Alone." She said in a monotone voice, just as Sam used to. Grian used his last bit of strength to push himself away from her one last time, his back coming into contact with another wall. She had him cornered. She took one large step toward him and looked down on him, an image that sent chills down Grian's spine. "But if I can't take your friends away from you, I'll just have to take you from your friends. Well, 'friends'. Because look around you Grian. You're about to die, and nobody cares. You're utterly alone. Welcome to the club." She finished snarkily as she raised her arm once again. Grian raised his arms in defense again and look down, closing his eyes in fear and defeat when he heard another voice.

        "But he's not alone." Yuki turned around toward the staircase to see a small group of people standing at the top, the one in front with his sword drawn. Grian looked over at them too and saw not just a group of people standing there, but his friends. His friends, who now looked at the terrifying visage of Yuki and were still willing to fight for him. He smiled slightly before turning his attention back to Yuki, who had now bent over to pick Grian back up. She wrapped one arm around him and placed the knife against his throat as he struggled to stand on only one foot. Every breath he took he felt the cold and already bloody knife pressed against his skin as Yuki began to back up with him. 

        "Come any closer and I won't hesitate to slit his throat right here and now." She threatened as she continued to back up, getting closer and closer to the exit. Grian could feel the knife in her hand shake in fear. Ren and the rest of the hermits stopped instantly. "Drop your sword." She commanded at Ren, who stood in shock for a moment. "DROP IT!" She screamed as Grian flinched at her sudden change in volume. Ren slowly bent down and placed the sword on the wood. She nodded slowly as he did it, before suddenly running out of the door behind her. But before she did, she let her knife glide across Grian's neck, opening it and letting blood spill out. She shoved his bleeding body away from her as she turned and ran, letting his dying body slam onto the ground. 

Ahhh we almost at the end of the story!!! Also sorry for the cliffhanger but, you know me and my love of cliffhangers. Hopefully, the next chapter will come out sooner than this one did but no promises. Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved. 

Missing (Third in An Old Friend Series) //Hermitcraft & Yhs Crossover\\Where stories live. Discover now