14 (Final)

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        "Ok Grian, you're at the point where you have a choice. After everything they've done, you can either stay here or go back to them, the people that need you." Taurtis informed him and Grian looked down at his feet.

        "Taurtis, I'm scared." Grian uttered and Tautis looked at him confused.

        "Of what?" He asked, and Grian sighed. 

        "What if... What if I go back and-"

        "Not if, Grian. When." He added, and Grian nodded.

        "When I go back, what if some of them are hurt? Or if they hate me? I don't think I can ever face them again. I'm going to become who I was back in Tokyo, with the constant looks of pity, like I'm some kicked puppy. I can't go back. I'll just stay here with you." He looked back up at him and Tautis sighed. 

        "Grian, they need you, much more than I do."

        "But I need you." He mumbled and Taurtis chuckled. 

        "Grian, I promise you, you are going to be ok. All of the danger is gone. You're safe. And maybe they will treat you like a puppy, but you'll never know if you stay here. And besides, I'm always with you. Here and there. Go back to them, Grian." He told him, and Grian took a deep breath. 

        "Ok, I will." He said. He opened his eyes and saw that Taurtis was gone. He blinked again, and this time, he felt himself laying down. He was in a bed and could hear waves crashing and birds chirping. His eyes opened to intense sunlight, making him squint until his eyes were adjusted and looked around. He was in his base and saw Mumbo sleeping in a chair next to the bed. Grian was about to speak when his throat didn't work. He started coughing horrendously, waking Mumbo in the process. Mumbo stood suddenly, before realizing what was happening and grabbing the glass of water next to him.

        "Here, drink this." He said as he handed it to him. Grian gulped it down, suddenly very thirsty. Once he finished it, he tried to speak again. He was only able to let out a weak and strangled whisper. 

        "How long was I out?" 

        "A week." 

        "A week?!" He tried to say but began to cough again. Mumbo went to go refill his glass, still talking to him as he walked.

        "Ren said you shouldn't talk a lot until you're fully healed." He said as he returned the now full glass to Grian. He heard the sound of elytra landing behind him as Xisuma walked to the bed. Grian sat, expecting the pitiful glance he had gotten so used to, but instead was met with a very angry face behind the helmet.

        "What the heck were you thinking?! Going down there alone, with no backup, fighting Yuki on your own! You're lucky Ren was down there or you would be dead!" He stood with his arms crossed, scolding him. Instead of trying to defend himself, Grian just smiled in relief. He looked up slightly and whispered something to the wind.

        "Thank you, Taurtis. I'll see you again someday." 

        "What?" X asked, and Grian shook his head. 

        "What happened to Yuki?" He whispered, and Mumbo shrugged. 

        "All Impulse said was that he talked her and that she isn't coming back. He won't tell us anything else." Mumbo replied, and Grian sunk in the bed slightly. They continued to talk, and after another few months, Grian was back to his life. He was building, going to more social gatherings, and was the happiest he had ever been. Taurtis smiled as he watched his friend flourish, thinking of all of the little things he had done to help him get there. He thought of the time he had shone extra light on the fake rose leading to Sam's underground bunker. Giving Grian the extra strength he needed to not only punch Sam, but also to carry Mumbo back to Hermitville and the time he led Stress to them. Or the time he Exaggerated the glint of Sam's camera, leading Mumbo and Iskall to Grian, and getting them to open the right door in the bunker. He thought of when he put the idea of the tracking device in the communicators into Xisuma's head and finally, about leading Grian back to his friends and his life. Every little rush of adrenaline, every sudden boost in confidence in the most dire of circumstances, all put there by him. He took a deep breath, took one last look at his friend, and felt himself move on fully, ready and waiting to see Grian again someday.

Ayy that's it! Sorry it's kinda short but that's it for this series! I was not expecting A.) for An Old Friend to become 3 different books but also B.) that so many people would read and enjoy it. I'm so grateful for all of you, whether you commented or voted on every single chapter, or just read and moved on with you day. I'm glad you were here. Also, don't worry, I'm not going to stop writing Griangst. I already have an idea for a new book where I get to torture my boi, only this time less physically. That one is going to take place in a completely separate universe from this one, the universe of Hermitcraft after Evo instead of YHS. Like the other books, I'll post here when I have the first chapter of that up. Hope to see you over there! Anyway, once again, thank you for reading and making it all the way to the end. I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved. 

Missing (Third in An Old Friend Series) //Hermitcraft & Yhs Crossover\\Where stories live. Discover now