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        "What?" Ren and Mumbo stood on either side of Iskall, who attempted to stand but groaned in pain and resigned himself to sitting on the floor in defeat. Mumbo, very unsatisfied with Iskall's terse and the cliffhanger of a sentence he had just muttered, quickly asked for him to elaborate. 

        "The person doing all of this. It's not Sam. You see, I hit her before she-"

        "She?" Ren interrupted and Iskall sighed. 

        "Yes, she. I hurt her and she grunted a very female grunt. Also, it's 2019 Ren, it can be a she." He replied and Ren rolled his eyes. 

        "Ok, not the point. What did she do to you?" He prompted and Iskall sat himself up, careful to place his non-broken hand on the ground under him. 

        "I was organizing all of my shulker boxes when I heard someone sneaking up behind me. I waited until they were right behind me and swung a mean right hook. As you can tell, that didn't work out too well," He raised his still purple and swelling hand to exaggerate his point. "We fought for a bit, which ended in me hitting her with an arrow, and her hitting me with both my own sword and a syringe. Talk about overkill, huh?" He smiled, expecting his joke to land, but was instead met by two stern faces deep in thought. His smile faltered slightly before Mumbo spoke. 

        "So they are a she. But Grian didn't say anything about a she, did he?" He asked, and they bot shrugged in response. 

        "Maybe he was right, maybe the person doing all of this really doesn't have anything to do with him," Ren admitted and Iskall looked up at him. 

        "Where is Grian, anyway? I thought I heard him as I was waking up..."

Grian's voice had completely given out as the sun behind him set. The sky bled into beautiful reds and oranges and pinks as the dark cloak of night settled over the horizon. He had resumed his sitting position on the peak of the mountain he had found himself on, the thin air filling his lungs as he desperately tried to replace the air he screamed out. His brain had been racing since he had flown out there, trying to figure everything out, connect dots he had missed, how to save his friends. Who or what had he missed? That's when he realized it. In most of his memories of Sam, standing innocently in the background, the person the most under Sam's spell, and much more deranged than Sam had ever been. Yuki. He stood in realization, before leaping off of the mountain and letting the wings on his back unfurl and carry him through the air. He set off a rocket as he sped back to civilization, his friends, home. 

The sun had completely set as Ren, Iskall, and Mumbo all got a message from Grian.

        "Come to my base, as fast as you can." They read it and rushed to his base, Iskall falling slightly behind, but determined to make it there and see if Grian was ok. When they got there, Grian had been pacing up and down the main part of his base and looked up nervously as they landed near him. 

        "What's going on? Did you see her?" Mumbo asked suddenly, and Grian stopped pacing. 

        "No, but I think I figured out who she is. Wait, how do you know she's a her?" 

        "When Iskall fought her, he heard her grunt. Anyway, doesn't matter, who is she?" Ren responded quickly.

        "Ok, so you know how I said Sam had a crazy girlfriend that did everything he told her to? I think it's her. Yuki." He stated simply, and they all slowly nodded in understanding. 

        "And you just happened to kill the love of her life. Yeah, I guess that warrants going psycho and kidnapping everyone." Iskall put together and Grian nodded in agreement. 

        "But still one problem though." Ren brought up, and they all looked at him questioningly. "We know who she is, but not where she is. Or where she took everyone." They all looked over at Grian expectantly, and he shrugged in response. 

        "I have no idea. I didn't know her as well as I did Sam. I don't know how she works, other than on pure rage and hatred." Grian added, and they all sat in thought for a moment, before Ren piped up. 

        "Oh my god, we are idiots. The communicators!" He exclaimed as he pulled his out and began to fiddle with it. The other boys looked at him confused, and he continued his revelation. "X said they had GPS tracking on them, so hopefully... Aha!" He turned the screen to show the screen with a flashing red light. "False's communicator! It will lead us straight to her, and straight to Yuki." He finished as he attempted to zoom out. But as he did, his face changed to something sour and confused.

          "What? Did you find her?" Mumbo asked, and Ren opened his mouth to answer, only to close it again a second later. 

         "Yeah, I did. She's right below us."

Ooh, we are coming up on the end here people! Well, kinda. Maybe like 3 or 4 chapters left, and then I get to start my new HC story! Hope to see ya'll over there once I start it. This is not my best chapter I've ever written, but it's more content for you people, so I had to look past my constant need to make things perfect and just post this. So sorry if it's kinda sucky. Anyway, thank you for reading, and as always, I hope you have a good day/night, and you are lovely. (I feel like a YouTuber with my consistent outro lol)

Missing (Third in An Old Friend Series) //Hermitcraft & Yhs Crossover\\Where stories live. Discover now