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Impulse had told his fellow imprisoned hermits of his time outside of their wooden cell. They talked about it for a while before conversation came to a halt at the sound of banging. They all looked over toward the door as a voice spoke through it.

        "Guys, if you're in there, get away from the door."

        "Is that Ren?" False asked before a diamond sword broke through the door. They took his warning seriously now as they all backed away from the door actively being smashed to pieces. Finally, Ren had hacked away on the door long enough that there was a person-sized hole in it. Ren's face popped into the opening smiling before waving for them to follow him. One at a time, the Hermits carefully stepped through the opening.

        "How are you here?" Keralis asked.

        "Where is "here"?" Cub asked next. 

        "I'll explain everything later. Right now, we have to get out of here." Ren declared before they heard a blood-curdling scream come from above them. They all looked up confused.

        "Who else is here? And where is the person that put us all here?" Impulse asked nervously and Ren looked up to the source of the scream too.


While Ren explored the underbelly of the ship, Grian made his way up the stairs and faced the hallway in front of him. Why does it always have to be hallways, he thought. Apparently, Yuki had added on to the top of the ship as well, rendering his knowledge of the parts he built useless. He didn't even know if she used this part of the ship, or if she was up there, but he still used the utmost caution as he unsheathed his sword and crept down the hall. He knew the second he took the step, the board below him would creak, but with nowhere else to go, he placed his foot onto the loose board and cringed as it screamed his presence. Before he knew it, the door at the end of the hallway flew open, and standing there, taller but ultimately the same as when he last saw her, was Yuki.

Grian could hear her scream from all the way in the front of the courtroom. The final slamming of the gavel rang out, filling the room with silence before she screamed the most heartbroken scream someone could utter. Sam had just been told he would spend the rest of his life in jail, without her, and was dragged kicking and screaming out of the door by the large police officers that brought him in. Grian stood in shock for a second as it happened, realizing that Sam was finally gone, forever. He was walking out of the courtroom when she grabbed him. He felt a tight grip on his arm spin him around as he was met with a mascara-tear covered face, an expression hard to describe plastered on it. It was rage and heartbreak and helplessness all at once. 

        "You did this to him. He's going to jail because of you. You killed him. And you will pay for it." She spat at him as he yanked his arm out of her grasp. That was when he decided to run. To get away from not only the people he knew but her and the murderous glint in her eye as he walked away from her.

Her face as she looked out into the hallway of the ship quickly shifted from confusion and concern to that same expression. Rage and joy, heartbreak and excitement, all at the same time. Grian watched as she recognized his face and grabbed at her waist, pulling out a large knife eerily similar to Sam's. The sight of it made Grian's chest tighten as he felt something warm make it's way up his throat. Yuki holding Sam's knife was a new kind of terror. He knew, no matter how angry he was, Sam wouldn't kill Grian unless he absolutely had to. But Yuki... Yuki would kill Grian the second she got the chance, just because she could. This thought sickened him, but he managed the resist the urge to puke on the spot. 

        "You." She spat out as Grian tried to shrug off the overwhelming feeling of something pushing down on him, crushing him into the floor like a bug. He needed to be agile and spry if he was going to survive this fight, but just the look on her face was enough to cripple him into a slow, scared child. He swallowed his terror enough to raise his sword again. She took a step toward him and he took a step back in response, causing her to laugh a bit. "Still scared of me, I see?" She asked snarkily and Grian tried his best to stand tall.

        "Why are you doing all of this, Yuki?" He asked, surprised he was even able to speak a full sentence to her.  

        "Why? WHY?!" She began to yell, causing Grian to shrink down again. "How dare you! Don't play pretend with me Gree-on, you know why I'm doing this!" She shouted as she took another step closer to him. Grian went to step back again but realized that the only thing behind him was the descending staircase. 

        "Is it because I killed Sam?" Grian mustered up the confidence to sarcastically ask, which sent Yuki into a flying rage. All of a sudden, she sprinted down the hall toward him. Grian turned to run down the stairs but overestimated his step. Before he knew it, the world was spinning in a painful spiral until he landed with a thud at the bottom of the stairs. Yuki laughed hysterically from above and slowly descended the stairs behind him. Grian's mind had stopped spinning as he felt something in his leg. His brain had a hard time processing what he was seeing. His leg was bent at an unnatural angle that sent a feeling though his entire body. It wasn't pain, but something much worse. Something indescribable, something Grian had only felt in his simulations of death. The feeling firing through his leg was like every inch of his leg was burning away, and as he looked at his deformed leg, he did the only thing his brain allowed him to. He screamed.

Writing for Yuki is too much fun. Why do I enjoy hurting my boi so much? The world may never know. Anyway, thanks as always for reading. It still means the world to me that people still read this, even as we come closer and closer to the end of the story. I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved.

Missing (Third in An Old Friend Series) //Hermitcraft & Yhs Crossover\\Where stories live. Discover now