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                                                                 TW: S**cidal thoughts and actions. 

Iskall squeezed Yuki's arm, the pressure causing her to lose her grip on her knife. It clanged to the ground as Iskall kicked it away from them, allowing Scar to carefully pick it up to keep out of her reach. She snarled as Iskall let go of her arm.

        "Didn't I kill you already?" She snapped, causing anger to boil inside of him. 

        "You're surrounded, Yuki. Nowhere for you to run." Xisuma spoke behind her and she rolled her eyes.

        "Yeah thanks, I noticed." She replied as she took a step back from Iskall. "I just hope Grian's dead by now. I mean, slitting his throat should have been good enough, but you never know." She smiled and watched as Iskall's face turned from anger to fear. 

        "What? You're bluffing." His voice shook as he spoke. 

        "Look at my knife. Where do you think the blood came from? It's certainly not mine." She spoke confidently as all of the hermits around her looked at one another in fear. Just as they did, False popped her head out of the door.

        "Guys, we need your help in here!" She yelled and they all looked from Yuki to the door. She looked at them expectantly as False yelled again. "Guys, come on! Grian is dying! Leave her, there isn't much worse she can do at this point!" Finally, after another second of debating, X ran past Yuki and through the door. Everyone followed him, and as the door closed, Impulse caught a glimpse of Yuki's back turning and running. 

        "What happened?!" Stress yelled, watching Ren quickly sew Grian's neck closed. Bdubs ran to the corner, unable to watch what was happening. 

         "Once I'm done stitching, we have to get him out of here. He's also lost a lot of blood so we need some donors." Ren stated and they all nodded, but Cub looked at all of them confused.

        "Where's Yuki?" He asked as they all looked at each other, realizing no one was watching her.

        "I'll deal with her." Impulse declared and walked out of the door, watching as she swam out of the bottle. He swam after her until they were both on land. Yuki's back was still turned as he called out to her.

        "Yuki! Stop!" She stopped at the sound of his voice, tears streaming down her face as she did. 

        "Why do I still feel this way?! Why do I still feel like something is missing?! What's happening to me?!" She screamed at him as he slowly walked toward her. 

               "You lost someone you love, Yuki. It's going to take time for you to feel better." 

        "Shut up! Shut up! It's because Grian's not dead yet, isn't it?! I have to try again!" Impulse continued to slowly approach her.

        "Killing Grian isn't going to bring Sam back. It never was. You just have to move-"

        "Don't you dare tell me to move on! It's always ever been me and Sam! What is life without Sam in it?" She sank to her knees in defeat, pulling out the small knife hidden in her boot.

        "There is so much more to life than just one guy." He tried but she whipped her head around again. 

        "No! You don't get it! Sam wasn't just 'one guy'. He was sweet, and he cared about me. He loved me. And I loved him. Why was he taken away from me?" She asked in despair. Impulse finally reached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

        "I don't know. But all we can do know now is live, even if he isn't here to live with you. Yuki, you have to leave. The others, they are going to want justice for Grian. Please." He tried as she continued to sob. her tears stopped for a moment as she looked back at him. 

        "You're right. I have to leave. I have to see Sam again." She mumbled as she gripped her knife readily. 

        "What?" Impulse asked before she took the knife and jammed it into her chest. Her breath caught as she started to fall, and Impulse kneeled down to catch her in his arms. "Yuki no! This isn't what I meant!" He yelled sadly, putting his hand onto her wound to stop the bleeding, but she pulled his arm away and smiled at him, placing her other hand on his cheek softly. 

        "No, it's ok. I'm going to see him again. I'm going to see everyone again." She stated before looking at him in the eyes. "You were always nice to me. Thank you." She let a few tears fall before her eyes began close. Impulse sat speechless, cradling her in his arms. Her breath slowed until finally, she used the last of it to say, "Daddy?" She smiled before her body went completely still in Impulse's arms. He sat for a moment, unaware of what to do next, and wept slightly over her smiling body. He stood, still carrying her in his arms, taking her through the main island's nether portal, before finally arriving at the small graveyard in hermitville. He placed her into one of the already dug holes and filled it back up with dirt. Looking around for a while, he found a small red flower, placed it on top of the new mound of dirt and stood there for another moment before wandering away, back to the main group, back to his normal life.

Sorry this chapter is kinda short and sucky but I didn't want to start the next piece of it until next chapter. But fear not, I am going to start work on it directly after I post this one. Anyway, there goes Yuki. I mean, what else would she have done? Also, to those with a dirty mind, her "Daddy" was about her actual father, not Sam. Anyway, sorry again for the length but I hoped you enjoyed it. I really don't like it but I really wanted to give you guys some content so... It is so damn hard to write for the whole group but I'm trying my best. I hope you have a good day/night, and you are loved. 


Missing (Third in An Old Friend Series) //Hermitcraft & Yhs Crossover\\Where stories live. Discover now