sad beginnings

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"why was I even born?"

"you'll never be a hero"

"Quirkless wanna be"

"Go take a swan dive off the roof"

The words circled around in Izukus head as he tried his best to hold his bedroom door closed.

Screaming and pounding could be heard on the other side. He could feel the door getting hotter and hotter, it suddenly burst into flames.

Izuku jumped back, fear filling his eyes as his fiery door was smashed to pieces by the large man on the other side

"You quirkless bastard! How many times do I have to tell you to mind?!"

"I'm sorry Dad, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll be good, please I'm sorry!" Izuku pleaded, tears ran down his thin face as he put his hands up defensively.

The older man grabbed onto his sons shaggy green hair and pulled him out of the room and down the hall. He picked him up and threw the teen against the wall.
Izuku slouched against the now dented wall, not moving out of fear.

"I deserve this. I am useless. I should have just listened." Was all Izuku could think.

"GET UP!" yelled the man. "AGAINST THE COUNTER NOW!"

Izuku knew what was about to happen. He got up on wobbly legs and leaned against the kitchen counter, facing his father

The older Midoriya activated his quirk, burning Izuku's chest. The boy screamed in pain, collapsing to the floor. Darkness invaded his vision, as Izuku felling into unconsciousness.

Izuku awoke on the floor, he could barely move. It's chest had third-degree burns, his bruised and beaten body resembled that of a skeleton. His curly green hair was long and matted with blood.
He stood up slowly, wincing at every movement. Sunlight came in through the window, it was already morning.

Izuku looked to the couch to see his parents passed out.

"I guess mom came home at some point" he thought

He went down the hall as quietly as possible, as to not wake his parents. He stepped through the ashes of his door and put on his school uniform. The fabric rubbed his chest and wrists causing him cry out. He froze, listening carefully, when he heard no movement he put on his tattered shoes and stuffed his long hair into a beanie. He grabbed his bag and left the apartment, closing the door as slowly as possible.

Things have been like this for as long as he could remember. Once his parents found out he didn't have a quirk, everything seemed to go wrong. His father was already abusive at that point, but finding out his son was quirkless, made everything 10 times worse.
His Mother had stopped trying to protect him. Sometimes taking out her own anger on the defenseless boy. Whenever she wasn't at work she was out somewhere getting drunk.

His fathers parties were the worst. Hisashi's friends would come over and all get shit faced. His parents allowed them to do whatever they pleased to poor Izuku. Even seeming to find amusement from it.



The thin freckled boy slowly walked to school. Contemplating his unfortunate life.

"Why hadn't I been born normal?"

"Why am I so weak?"

"I deserve this."

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