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Izuku's POV

I could hear a faint noise but couldn't tell what it was. My eyes began to open slowly. Why did I feel so groggy? Where am I? His eyes hadn't quite focused yet but there was someone standing over him. He felt a quick surge of panic.

He grabbed the arm coming towards him. Not realizing it was a nurse. As soon as his skin touched hers he felt a surge of strength flow through him. He felt his fear wash away and into her. He opened his mouth to talk but instead a black mist came out. It showed an image of a small girl he'd never seen before. She was playing on a playground before swiftly being taken by some man. She was being beaten and hurt. She was screaming.

Izuku couldn't seem to close his mouth no matter how hard he tried. He looked over to the nurse who had now collapsed onto the floor, sobbing as she stared at the horrid vision in front of her.

What the fuck is happening? Izuku thought to himself. He felt weirdly calm right then. That was until the nurse had begun screaming. He looked back towards the mist seeing a bloody mess, before the mist quickly vanished.

The nurse was out of her trance and ran out the door sobbing uncontrollably. Izuku had closed his mouth. Usually he'd probably feel bad for causing someone to cry, but right now he was mostly confused and numb.

He felt a presence in the room that he hadn't noticed. He turned his head to the right, squinting at the light through the window. There stood a tired looking man in Black. Next to him stood a tall blonde with a tiny mustache.

Izuku stared back at the pair with disinterest. His memories finally coming back as to why he was in a hospital. He sighed and turned his head, facing the ceiling.

He felt so many emotions in that moment. Confusion for his new found power. Hatred towards the world around him. Anger at himself for failing once again.

Izuku's thoughts were overwhelmed and he began to sob. Uncaring of the pair that stared at him.


3rd Person POV

Hizashis eyes fluttered open at the sound of sobbing. He looked to the bed and saw a black mist coming from the boys mouth, the boy looking to his left. Hizashi looked at the mist to see a horrific scene of blood and Gore.

He quickly turned towards his sleeping caterpillar, shaking him awake. Shota was about to complain when he heard screaming. He opened his eyes fully looking at the mist. He looked to the boy activating his quirk, stopping the boy. As soon as the smoke cleared that could see the source of the noise. A horrified looking nurse who quickly ran out of the room.

Hizashi looked at the boy as he watched the door slam. The greenette finally turned his head in their direction. He looked as disinterested as Shota usually did.

He turned his head towards the ceiling and began to cry.

Hizashi's POV

I looked to my boyfriend as the kid started crying. He just stared at the bed. I quickly moved to the boy. I gently touched his shoulder, causing him to flinch and pull back, he looked at me through tear filled eyes in horror.

I softened my expression, giving him a warm smile. This kid was really scared. I felt an overwhelming need to make him feel better.

"Shhhhh, you're ok, you're safe now." I placed my hand onto his head. He flinched but quickly relaxed as I started to gently run my hand through his hair.

It took a while for him to calm down. My hand running through his hair as he sobbed. Sho had brought his chair forward and was now sitting on my right.

The kids sobbing had mostly turned into sniffles. He was unconsciously leaning into my touch.

Sho cleared his throat, making us both face him. He looked to me and then back at the broccoli boy.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asked in his monotoned voice.

The kid just nodded, not making eye contact.

"Can you tell us your name." I asked. He mumbled something I couldn't hear.

"You'll have to talk louder, I can't understand you"

"My name's Izuku Midoriya"

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