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Inkos' POV

I'd like to clarify that Inko is already buzzed 

Hisashi and his friends are yelling about something. He's always yelling. His friends are rowdy as ever and I can't handle their volume. Whenever they're here something gets broken, and I'm always the one to clean up the mess. But at least Hisashi's happy. He's almost never happy anymore. I wonder why he's so angry, I can't ask him about it. It just makes him angry again. angry angry angry. That's a weird word.

The noise level is starting to seriously freak me out. I need to calm down. Just till everyone leaves. They always make so much noise. The TV is too loud. Everything is too loud. Just gotta calm my nerves. I'm sure they'll be gone soon. I hope they're gone soon.

I walk into the kitchen to look for something to help me out. There's a lot of stuff broken. I'll clean it up later. Later sounds better. I reach my drawer. I thought there were more bottles then this. Where did my bottles go? Did I put them somewhere? Maybe Hisashi moved them.

"Hisashi" I call to him. He doesn't respond, talking loudly with his friends. "Too loud." I mumble.

I walk over to the couch where him and his friends are. "Hisashi?" I rest my hand on his shoulder, which caused him to flinch before turning towards me with a glare. "Do you know where my pills are?" 

"Why the fuck would I know where your fucking pills are? Find them yourself and leave me the fuck alone." he yelled. Always so loud. Where are they at?

I go back to the kitchen and grab some whine from the counter. Maybe Izu knows where they are, he's good at finding stuff. I'll ask Izu. He's probably in his room. I start to make my way to his room, drinking some wine. I don't really like this kind. It tastes funny. 

Stopping in the hall I look into Izus' room. What happened to the door? I thought he had a door. didn't he have a door. I walk in but he's not here. Where's my Izu? Maybe he's in the den. he likes watching videos in there. I open the door but he's not here either. 

"Izu? Izu where are you?" he doesn't answer. Maybe he's hiding, he does that sometimes. I take another gulp before I walk back into the living room. "Hizashi?" he stops what hes saying to look at me.

"WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" He's always so angry.

I forgot what I was going to ask him, I'm a little dizzy. He's saying something but I don't know what. I think I'm going to lay down. I'm kinda tired. Looking back to Hisashi, he's talking to his friends again. Did i have something to tell him?

"Aren't you going to get that?" I look at him confused, what is he talking about? "The door. There's someone at the door. Go answer the damn door!" 

The door? I guess there is someone knocking. Maybe it's Izu. What time does school get out?

They keep knocking. I hope it's Izu. I finally get to the door and open it just enough to look out.

It's two guys and a lady I don't know. Are they Hisashis friends? I like the lady she has nice hair.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello, are you Inko Midoriya?" The blond guy asks. He's tall.

"Yea." I say. My vision is kinda blurry, I should lay down.

There's a loud crash from the living room followed by laughter. They probably broke something else. I'll clean it up later.

"Ma'am we're here to talk about your son" The lady says. "May we come in" she continues. 

"Izu? Where is Izu?" do they knew Izu? It's getting too loud

"Who the fucks at the door" Hisashi yells from behind me. "If it's that brat tell him to go pick up some food" he yells. 

We are low on food

"Ms. Midoriya" this time the tired man spoke. I forgot they were here.

"What?" Who are these people again?

Another loud crash from the living room makes me jump, causing the bottle to slip from my hand and clatter to the floor. Dang it.

"Yea come in" I say as I go to get some paper towels.

My shoe is already stained red. I take it off to wash in the sink only to step on some glass in the kitchen. Damnit.

I lean against the counter to pull the glass out. The people from the door are just standing there, looking around.

I need some different shoes, I think as I walk over to the bedroom. I go to my closet to find some slippers, but get distracted by the orange bottle next to a pile of clothes. Finally. I open it without reading it before taking three pills. That should help.

Hisashi is yelling again, what is it now? I walk back to the living room, forgetting to get more shoes.

He looks really mad again.

"Who the fuck are these guys? Did you just let some random fucks into our house?" Before I could react a hard smack lands on my cheek, knocking me to the floor. His friends chuckle but suddenly everyone's screaming. My ears are ringing. Did I hit my head?

I sit up to see Hisashi wrapped in a grey thing. There's some sort of purple mist in the air and his friends are running out the door. The blonde man is kneeling next to me, what's he saying? It's too loud. Always too damn loud.

I cover my ears, Hisashi is still yelling, though he seems to be getting quieter. The blonde guy is helping me stand up and covering my nose and mouth.

Hisashi seems to be asleep, still tied up. What's happening? The purple stuff is going away. Why is my head wet?

"Are you alright?" The blonde man asks.

"Yea, why wouldn't I be?" I ask confused.

Who are these people?

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