Play With Fire

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Nemuris' POV

I shot up from my spot on the couch when I heard groaning from the other room. I began walking quietly towards the bedroom at the end of the hall as quietly as I could. Looking back I pointed to the green haired woman and then the door, signaling for Mic and Eraser to get her out of here.

I turned my attention back to the door as I heard more shuffling noises. I pulled out my whip, and stopped to listen. If he's just barely getting up then subduing the man shouldn't be too much of a problem.

I had put some handcuffs on him after knocking him out, opting for Aizawa to keep his capture weapon with him in case of further danger.

I went for the doorknob but just as quickly pulled my hand back as the metal singed my hand. I jumped back just as the door burst into flames.

I ran around the corner into the entranceway. Luckily my friends understood my signal and had already left. Good. If this man wants to escape he'll have to get through me.

The man, Hisashi, ran into the living room. his hands were still behind his back. I snapped my wrist hard, my whip hitting him hard in the chest. He stumbled back but didn't fall.

He recovered quickly, opening his mouth he sent a burst of fire right for me. I ducked under the flames, rolling just in time.

"You know mister Midoriya, usually I love when it gets hot and heavy, but you're being a bit to naughty for my liking."

I tore at my sleeve and snapped my wrist again. My lower position allowed for my whip to wrap around his feet, I pulled hard as he fell to the ground with a hard thud.

He's already losing consciousness,  but that was making for a bigger problem.

The entranceway is engulfed in flames and he's just going to be dead weight.

I ran to the window. There's no fire escape. Shit. I break the window anyways for ventilation. The fire is spreading and smoke is beginning to fill up the room. This is not the sort of hot and bothered situation I was planning on.

Looking back to the entranceway, I see that the door is already on fire. Grabbing the tv I get as close to the door as I can, swinging once, twice, I let go. It crashes through the weakened wood.

I run back to the first bedroom as fast as I can grabbing a blanket from the floor. It's getting really hard to breath.

I go into the restroom and put the blanket into the sink, soaking it.

Going back into the living room I hoist up the unconscious man by his shoulder and put my arm around his back, my other hand holding the wet blanket.

I'd usually made a joke about getting the blankets wet but I have to preserve the oxygen I can.

I walk toward the doorway, throwing the blanket into the ground it puts the fire on the floor out, but before I can fully get through the door it flares back up.

Thinking on my feet I push the man through the doorway, he hits the ground outside hard.

I back up as the flames engulf the blanket. Shit.


Aizawas' POV

Not long after we reached the street I heard glass shattering. Looking back up I see the window Hizashi was leaning against not minutes ago, broken and leaking smoke.

Hizashi sees it too and starts running back towards the stairs.


I use my capture weapon to wrap around the telephone line and launch myself towards the apartment door.

When I reach the landing I see Mr Midoriya lying on the ground. I look into the inferno of the apartment and see Nemuri through the flames.

"NEMURI" I yell before shielding my face from the heat.

She looks up, panic in her eyes. I can hear the sirens getting closer.

I put my arms out, "come on!"

I'm not losing another friend.

She backs up as I take my scarf in one hand. She starts running towards me, towards the flames. Just before reaching the entranceway she jumps, my scarf rapping around her waist, quickly pulling her into my arms.

She's sweating and coughing, I take a quick moment to hug her before I pick the man off the floor. Throwing him over my shoulder I take Nemuri in the other arm, still holding my scarf as I swing down to where Hizashi and the frightened woman stand.

The fire is spreading fast as people flood out of the building. I wrap part of my scarf around my face as I go to swing back up.

"Help those already outside, I'm going to make sure the building is clear" I yell to my friends before launching myself towards the inferno.

This turned to shit real quick.

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