Fallen Angels

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Aizawas POV

After Hizashi was hit in the head by some sort of projectile, I heard someone yelling. I looked toward the source of the noise. Up there was someone on the ledge of the roof.


Hizashi started saying something when the figure fell. They were coming down fast. I rushed into action using my capture weapon to propel me I made it to a ledge below the falling person. I braced myself, allowing my scarf to move below the body. With the amount of force from falling I almost lost my grip, but this girl wasn't anywhere as heavy as I thought they would be.

I wrapped them with my scarf before jumping back to the sidewalk.

My boyfriend had a shocked expression on his face as he looked at the gi- boy. The teens hair was long, curly and matted.

"Call an ambulance!" I yelled.

As he did so I began to inspect the unconscious teen. His arms were shredded and he smelled of alcohol and ash. I lifted the oversized shirt to find more injuries. Some looking like sexual abuse. I lifted his shirt more, revealing his chest.

Hizashi gasped behind me. He was covered in burns going up to his neck.

I could hear the ambulance sirens. He was loosing blood fast. Barely breathing.

The ambulance rolled up and the EMTs worked quickly and carefully to get the boy on a stretcher and into the ambulance. I hopped in the back while Hiza sat in the passenger seat.
This was going to be a long night.


3rd POV

The ambulance arrived at the hospital and the injured teen was rushed in for surgery. The hero's Present Mic and Eraserhead waited in the lobby.

Aizawa was crying, which didn't happen often. How hero outfit was soaked in blood. Yamada held his boyfriend in his arms as he cried. The mysterious green haired teen was finally out of surgery. A nurse was sent to let the hero's know.


Hizashi POV

A nurse walked into the hospital lobby and looked around for a moment, his eyes landing on us. He walked over cautiously, looking at the tired crying man in my arms.

"Are you two the ones who brought the teen boy in?" The nurse asked.

Sho looked up suddenly.

"Yes. How is he?" he said in a serious tone.

"Luckily he got here just in time. Any longer and he would have lost too much blood. Our staff is required to report suicide attempts to the police. They said they would send an officer over shortly and would like to get statements from you two." he waited for a response.

"Can we see him?" I asked

"Of course"

We were lead to an elevator, we went up to the 3rd floor and down a hall. The nurse stopped in front of a door. Sho walked in first, I followed him.

I looked at the boy on the bed, he was almost entirely covered in bandages. There was a spot on the side of his head that was shaved where stitches could be seen.
The continuous beeping indicated that the boy was alive. His chest moved up and down slowly with every breath. His body looked so thin and fragile, as if it would break at any moment.

Sho stopped in front of the bed, his body tensed. I walked up to him, resting my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.

He usually doesn't get this involved. A part of being hero's is saving those in danger. Even when they're a danger to themselves. Every hero has stopped at least one suicide. So why did this effect him so much?

"Sho." He didn't reply. "Shouta!" I said, accidentally activating my quirk.

The dark haired man grabbed his ears and fell to the floor. I grabbed him before his head hit the bars on the bed. I held him in my arms. I saw his face for the first time since we walked in.
His face looked angry as tears fell from his eyes.

"I'm sorry. Are your ears ok?" I thought I had hurt him.

"They're fine" he said in his monotone voice. Yet the tears continued to fall.

I couldn't stand to see him like this. I held his head to my chest as he continued to cry. After a few minutes he fell asleep in my arms.

I picked him up and placed him in the chair that was near the bed. He looked more exhausted than usual. I was worried.

A thought came to mind. I walked into the hall and got out my phone. I needed to call midnight.

The call rang twice before she picked up.

"Hello?" She sounded like I had woken her up.

"Hey Nemuri. I'm sorry I'm calling you so late, Sho and I are at the hospital and I need a favor."

"Why are you at the hospital? Is everything ok? Did something happen to Shouta?" She said in a worried tone.

"Shouta and I are fine. We saved a kid tonight and have to talk to the police later." I need to stay focused. "Listen, I got Sho a kitten today but it sounds like we're not gonna make it home tonight. Can you head over and feed the cats?"

"That's so romantic of you! Of course I can!" She seemed a little too excited.

"Oh and can you let Nezu know what's going on."

"Sure, let me know how everything goes."

And with that I hung up. I walked back into the room. Shouta was still sound asleep. The heart monitor kept beeping. It was going to be a long night.

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