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Aizawas POV

I sat on a coffee table across from the dazed greenette, Nemuri sat next to her holding a glass of water, while rubbing her back.

Hizashi finally broke the silence "Has anything like this ever happened before?" He was looking out the window as he spoke.

"Izuku's hurt himself before, yes. But usually he's fine in a couple days." Mrs. Midoriya said in a very soft voice.

"And what do you do when this happens?" He asked in an almost harsh tone.

I gave him a look but he just looked back out the window.

"Usually I just get a first aid kit from the store, he's insistent on dealing with it himself." Her tone was sad. Nemuri put an arm around her shoulder. "He's not fond of being touched." She continued.

In the corner of my eye I saw Hizashi flinch. Suddenly recalling how touch starved the boy seemed to be when he woke up. I got up and walked over to the window he was looking out, leaning my back against the window sill. He looked forlorn. I took his shaking hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"What about the quirk outburst?" Nemuri asked, he arm still resting on Mrs. Midoriya.

Inko looked up suddenly, a confused look plastered on her face. "What do you mean?" She looked between us.

"After your son woke up, as he was escaping the hospital, his quirk effected many people on his way out." I stated, still looking to my boyfriend's tense form.

"It must have been someone else's quirk." She insisted. "Izu is quirkless. He always has been."

Hizashi turned around, eyes narrowed. "Ma'am, I suggest you don't lie to us. We saw the effects of his quirk."

"I'm not lying! Izuku is quirkless, He always has been!" This was the first time she raised her voice, and the first time she seemed fully attentive and aware.

"What are you and your husband's quirks?" Nemuri asked. She spoke in a gentle tone while placing the glass on the table.

"Mine is object attraction. I can make small objects float to me. Hisashi's can breath fire." She sounded sad.

Hizashi turned towards her "Is that where your son got the burns?!" Hizashi said through gritted teeth.

Inko Midoriya lowered her head, saying nothing. She started shaking and Nemuri wrapped her arms around the crying mother.

"Yes." She said in-between sobs, almost too quiet to hear.

"And what about you?" Nemuri asked.

She stiffened despite her sobs. Nemuri looked at us with pleading eyes, as if she herself were about to cry.

Pulling Hizashi back to me, he turned to face me. "This doesn't make sence." I whispered to him.

"It makes sense to me." He was so quiet. He's never this quiet.

"The quirk. This kid suddenly gets a quirk that isn't genetic. That doesn't just happen." I thought for a minute. "At least I've never heard of anything like it."

He just nodded in response. A loud thumping noise caught my attention. Inko stood up suddenly and started walking towards the bedroom. Nemuri grabbed her wrist quickly and gently pulled her back down to the couch, looked at us once again.

Looks like someone's awake.

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