Lost in Thought

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Hizashis POV

I feel utterly stuck. I can't look away. Am I screaming? Not again. I can't do this again. Please don't make me.

Someone has me pinned to the ground. They're back. I need to fight.

"Zashi it's me, it Shota!" I stopped moving

Shota? My Shota?

My eyes met his and a wave a relief washed over me. That relief was short lived. There was screaming all around us. We rushed to the hallway to find these people in agony.

We tried our best to help them. Shota was using his capture weapon. Some of the doctor's started using their quirks on the affected. I tried to help, too. These people were so damn afraid.

It took several hours for everything to calm down. Though nothing seemed calm. People were in shock. Some had to be sedated. These otherwise tame, kind people, had hurt themselves or others.

There was one casualty. The nurse who had walked into Izuku's room before Sho and I woke up. She had killed herself in a supply closet. There was no note. She was 27.

Sho wouldn't leave me alone as soon as the police took over the situation. He kept hugging me and kissing me, saying how glad he was that I was alright. But everything seemed to be tinged with a tone of anger. He seemed irritated, which was understandable. But he was being overprotective of me. He wouldn't let anyone touch me, except when I was being checked by a paramedic.

"Sho what's wrong?" I finally asked.

"Nothing, how are you feeling?" He answered too quickly.

"I'm fine and don't lie to me." I retorted. "I've known you long enough to know when something's wrong. And I also know this isn't your usual everyday stressed either."

I was about to continue. "It's just that kid." He's glaring at the ground. "We be nothing but nice to him, we tell him it's gonna be ok, that we wont let anyone hurt him, and what does he do?" He waves his arm in a vague gesture. "He hurts people. He dangerous. And now we have no idea where he is."

"Sho we'll find him. He couldn't have gone that far."

"He's dangerous, he was under our watch and we let him get away."

"He's just a kid man, a scared one at that."

That doesn't excuse what he's done." His voice started raising.

"I never said it did." I yelled back.

"Well now he might hurt more people and we let him get away. He was under our protection and now he's gone and it's our fault!" He finally looked at me.

"Why are you getting so angry about this? We'll fin-"

"BECAUSE HE HURT YOU!" His voice lowered once again. "Because he hurt you, even though you were kind to him. You're right, he's scared. He probably isn't trying to use hai quirk on anyone. But if he can do this to people who are trying to help him, then what do you think he'd do to someone who tried to hurt him?"

I wrapped my arms around him. I hadn't realized how this had effected him. He was scared for my well-being and I hadn't considered how he felt.

Someone was approaching from my right. I look up to see Nemuri, holding a kitten.

I give her a panicked look while mouthing what the fuck. This was not what I had in mind for his surprise. She shrugged while wiggling her eyebrows. She started coming closer little by little.

I kept giving her a look that was supposed to say back off. She did no such thing.


Shota's head shot up like a rocket, hitting me in the nose. He looked to Nemuri before quickly taking the kitten from her hands and sitting on the ground.

My nose started bleeding as I sat down next to my now happy boyfriend.

"Surprise!!!" I yelled. Scaring the kitten and earning a death glare from Sho.

"I heard about what happened on the news." Nemuri said as she too sat down. "Was that your boy?"

"Yea it was." I replied

"Any idea where he went?"


Suddenly I had an idea.

I looked over to my smiling boyfriend.

"But I know where he definitely didn't go."

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