02. Who is he?

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~ Andrea's POV ~

I walked out of the building and texted Alexander.

To Alex 🙈 :
Im going home right now! Xx

From Alex 🙈:
Do you want me to pick you up?

To Alex 🙈 :
No thank you, i would
Love to take a walk. Xx

From Alex 🙈:
Okay, be safe 🙊


I didnt replied back and start walking down the street.
I passed a street that reminded me when i was little that i walked here alot. And that i had my first crush on a boy. Put he moved away.. Well im going to choose this way to my home even tho its way longer..

As i walked i got a text from Maggie. I was about to open it but bumped into someone.
Before i could reach the ground someone holding me by my waist and stopped me from falling. I looked up and saw a man with sunglasses.. Wtf? Its dark here why us he wearing sunglasses?
" Uhmm thanks" i said to him. He let go of me and walked away. I walked again and saw a boy standing against a wall listening to music. He has a green hoodie on he looked up at me and i smiled. He just nodded and i walked passed him tripping over my own feet. I really need to stop falling . Before i could reach the ground he grabbed my arm and pulled me back up.
I looked at him and hes eyes were the most perfect eyes i had ever seen. My heart started beating faster then ever " thanks, i almost hit the ground again" i laughed a little. He looked at me " no problem, next time.. Just watch were you're going" he replied and walked away. Well okay.. I rememberd i had a text message from Maggie and opend it


From Maggie 💜:
Girl!!! If i see Ariana i'll rip of her head! How can the principal just let you go to detention and let that slut go home?!

I laughed at her text and im gonna respond to her later when im home. Or else im gonna fall again.
The whole way i was thinkin of that boy with the green eyes.
Why? Idk..

When i finally arrived at home my dad wasnt their yet. I opend the door and saw Acacia on the couch cuddling with my teddybear. I smiled and kissed her forhead. " You're home!" Alexander whisperd. I nodded and walked up to him.
" Tell me why you had to go to detention." He demanded. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I explained everything and he pulled me into a hug.

" So you want pizza for lunch? " He asked me with a smile. He wears braces and has dimples like Luke Hemmings.
" Pizza please" i said and sat down next to acacia on the couch. She woke up and looked at me. " Hi babysis" i said while stroking her hair. She smiled but that changed into a frown. "Whats wrong?" I asked. " You promised me that you were going to take me to the mall" she answerd. " Omg im so sorry! " I respond to her.

" Its okay, alexander told me you had to stay at school for you're work." She smiled at me. I looked at Alex and smiled then looked at acacia. " Wanna hang out tomorrow?" I asked her with pleading eyes. " Can't im going to Elizabeth's house and bake a cake with skylynn" she responded now frowning. " Oh okay, maybe on the weekend or wensday?" I asked her. " Yes!" She said quickly.

After a few minutes the doorbel rang and Alex went to open it and paid the pizzaguy and closed the door.
" PIZZA !!!" He yelled and me and Acacia run up to him grabbing the box and walked to the kitchen. We heard the car and we knew dad's home. I walked to the window and saw him parking the car.

My smile changed when i saw a woman walk out of hes car..

I walked back to the table and sat down. " Is it daddy?" Acacia asked me and i nodded. " He has company..." I replied. Acacia looked down.

The door opend and my dad came in " kids im home!!!" He yelled.
We all made our way to the living and saw our dad. " Suzanne, this are my kids" he said to the woman who's name is Suzanne. She fake smiled at me and Acacia. And smiled at Alexander. Wtf?

" Daddy, are you going to stay for dinner? we orderd pizza!" Acacia smiled. "Ye-" my dad began but was cutt of "eww pizza, do you want us to be fat or something? Me and you're dad are going to a fancy restaurant" suzanne answerd. Dad just nodded hes head " so i wont be home till tomorrow" he said and walked back outside with suzanne.

Alexander slammed the door shut. " Raise you're hand if you hate her already" he said while raising hes hand. So do me and Acacia. " Who doesnt love pizza?!" I laughed a little.
" Lets eat!" Acacia said and we all began eating.

After we were done eating our pizza Acacia went to sleep because she is stil 5 years old and needs to sleep.

" I'm gonna take a walk " i said and stood up. " But its dark? What if something happen to you?" Alexander said quickly. I giggled. " Dont worry about me.. I know how to protect me because i learned it from you" I winked at him and walked out.

I was at the park and sat down against a tree close to the lake..i heard movement behind me and i turned my head and saw that boy from earlier. I stood up and wanted to leave." Leaving already?" He said. I stopped and looked at him " yes, i thought you maybe wanted to be alone" i responded to him. " Nah, company would be great" he said and sat down. I walked to him and sat down to.
It was silence and really awkward..
" Do you come here often?" I asked trying to make a conversation.
" Nope" he quickly said.
" Do you go to school?" I asked but he shook hes head. "How old are you?" I asked. he looked at me " you ask alot of questions miss" he smiled. " Im 18" he added. I blushed a little. " Do you have any siblings..?" I asked and hes smile faded away... He looked at the ground and sighed. " i have to go.." He said and stood up. He pulled me up " do you want me to bring you? " He asked. Hmmm... " I dont know, you're still a stranger to me. I dont know you're name." I answerd.

" Im Christian" he replied and pulled his hand out. I smiled and shook hes hand and i felt sparks "im Andrea, nice to meet you." I replied. He let go of my hand. " So do you want me to walk you? " He offerd. I nodded.
We walked in silence because i dont know what to say and i think he probably dont want to talk because he plugged hes headphone in hes ear.

"This is my stop, thanks for walking me here. " I said and looked at him but he was already walking away.. I opend the door and went straight to my room and texted Maggie and then went to bed.

~ Christian's POV ~

When she asked me if i had any siblings i thought of Crawford. My little brother is in the hospital for months now. Hes been in coma for awhile. And it hurt me to see him like that.
Its my fault hes laying here. If i havent dragged him to this stupid party of Cameron he wouldnt be here!

~ Flashback ~

" Crawf com'n it would be so much fun!" I pleaded. " No i dont want to!" He whined. " Please?" I continued. " No chris i have to studie for math" he replied annoyed. " Pleaasseee dont let me go alone!" I begged. " Noooo chris i dont want to!" He said. I gave him the best puppy eyes i could make and he agreed.
On our way i was texting Cameron i was coming with Crawf. But crawf tried to take my phone and told me to look at the road but i ignored him.. Until we crashed into a car.. I just had a broken arm.. But crawford... He had broken ribs, arms, bones... And he never woke up....

~ flashback over ~

I punched the wall iny room and pushed everything of of my table. And keep punching the wall. Kirsten came running in. " Chris?! Stop that!!" She said trying to calm me down. She pulled me into the bathroom
And cleaned my fist. It hurted like hell! " Hes gonna wake up soon" she said. " No he isnt! Hes going to die!" I spat at her. "Chris why do you say that?" She said while tears forming into her eyes. "Because its true!" I said and began to cry " i wish i was in coma and Not HIM!" I yelled and kirsten hugged me. I cried so hard. I just wanted to have my brother to be awake.
Yaayyyy next charapter!!

A Lovestory ~ Chris Collins & Andrea Russett ~Where stories live. Discover now