04. Kian and Chris

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~ Andrea's POV ~

Me and Karisma are having a sleepover. maggie left an hiur ago because Carter wanted to hang out with her. " So Kizzy, are you going to school?" I asked her. " Yes, i'm gonna go to you're school " she responded with a smile. " Really?! Thats cool, so how what about chris and kirsten?" I asked. " Uhm.. Kirsten's going to collage, Chris is going to school for like 4 hours and crawford .. Well he cant.. But when hes back he will go to our school" she replied. Who's crawford??

" Uhh... Who's Crawford? " I asked. She didnt say anything for a few minutes. " my brother." She said looking at me confused. " Why?" She added. " I thought you only had 1 brother" i answered. " Nah i got 2" she said
" How come i never seen him?" I added. " Hes not home for a while " she looked away.. Probably not wanted to talk about it. Maybe someday. " So what movie do you wanna watch?" I asked changing the subject. " Finding Nemo pleaseeee" she pleaded. " Okay " i laugh and put the movie in and jumped on the couch with kizzy.

After awhile kizzy fell asleep and i looked at the time. 1PM i decided to get some sleep because i have school

•| The Next Day |•

I woke up to to smell of pancakes.. I stand up from the couch and walk into the kitchen. " Goodmorning Andrea!" Kizzy smiled making pancakes. i smiled and took a seat " goodmorning, you didnt have to make those " i said.
" Aww com'on i wanted to something for my friend. Oh and you're father is home." Kizzy said.

I nodded and saw Acacia and Alexander walking downstairs.
" Goodmorning!" Me and kizzy said. " Wow! Who made pancakes?!" Alexander said.
I pointed at Kizzy and she smiled. " Marry me please!" Alexander said while dugging into the pancakes. "Marry who?" My dad asked walking downstairs. " Andrea's friend" acacia said. My dad looked at Karisma and smiled. " Thanks for the breakfast" and walked away. karisma smiled and sat down. " what time are we going to leave?" Alexander asked. " When were done eating" i replied.

After breakfast we headed to Acacia's school and dropped her off.. We walked to school again and Alexander walked to hes girlfriend.

I turned around and bumped into Kian... " Woah calm down Andrea!" He laughed. I wanted to walk away but he grabbed my arm. " Uh listen andrea.. Can we talk for a second?" He said quickly letting go of my arm. I looked at karisma and she walked a little bit farther..

" What do you wanna talk about?" I said walking to my locker. " Listen, i know i screwed up. That i wasnt acting like a boyfriend to you" he began and i rolled my eyes and opent my locker and saw from the corner Chris walking over to me. " Please give me a change? Or at least be justfriends with me?" kian said grabbing my hand. i looked away. " Hey Andrea" Chris said with a smile and i smiled back." hiii " i said to him. Chris looked at Kian and hes smile faded away. " kian.." He said. kian glared at Chris " Christian.." He replied..
Do they know each other or what?

" Think about it Andrea,okay?" kian said while he gave Chris a death glare. I nodded and Kian walked away.
" You know that guy?" chris began. I looked at him and nodded with confused face. " Hes my ex boyfriend " i explained. " Oh uhh okay.." Chris answered. kizzy run up to us. " chris !!!! " She yelled and hugged him. He hugged er back and let out a cute laugh. I wish i had a relationship like them. My brother never does that to me anymore.

The bell rang and Kizzy walked to her class and waved at me and Chris.
" What class do you have?" chris asked me. " music class" i replied "same, lets go" he said while grabbing me hand and we ran to our class.

" I'm tired of running Chris! slow down a bit " i whined. " I dont wanna be late
Com'on" he said pulling my arm. " Noooo " i whined.
He rolled his eyes and bent down. " Hop on my back.. I'm giving you a piggyback ride" chris said.
I jumped on hes back and he run to our class. Girls were giving me glares. When we arrived he put me down and laughed. " Okay little kids come inside the classroom." Our teacher said.
Me and Chris walked in and i saw Kian and Cameron glaring at Chris. I took a seat and the teacher told Chris to sit next to Ariana and she gave me the smirk face. I just rolledy eyes and turned my attention to the teacher.

Maggie took a seat next to me. " Girlll, people are talking about you and Kian going back together" she whisperd in my ear. " WHAT?!!!" I yelled. " mrs Anderson, do you want to share something to everybody?" My annoying teacher said. " Uh.. No sir.. Sorry" i quietly replied.

I felt a tap on my head and saw a paper land on my table. I looked at it and turned around and saw Ariana Smirking at me and scooting closer to Chris. The funny part is he scooted away from her and fell from hes chair. I laughed a little. Then turned to my table and looked at te paper i read it ~Chris is hot.. Idk why he wants to hang out with an ugly girl like you... Stay away from him
Nerd.. Hes gonna be mine! xx Im so more beautifull then you xx Ari~

Tears formed in my eyes and i hide the paper in my pocket. " Excuse me sir, can i go to the bathroom?" I asked. He nodded and handed me a
Hall pass. I thanked him
And walked to the bathroom.

" andrea!!" I heard from behind.i turned around and saw Kian. " What?" I asked while whiping my tears. " Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head no " Ariana keeps telling me that i'm ugly and that im a nerd.. And i hate it!" I said. " i'm trying to ignore it. But im stil hurt!" I screamed.
Kian pulled me into a hug rubbing my back. " Shhh"

~ Chris POV ~

andrea asked if she could go to the bathroom and she walked away.. kian walked out of the classroom and followed her. I asked for a hallpass because Ariana or whatever her name was.. Was annoying.. I walked around the corner and saw Kian and Andrea hugging each other..
My heart broke .. What the frick Chris, you dont love her!!! But still..

~ Andrea's POV ~

I pulled away from the hug.
And saw Chris. I whiped away my tears. " Oh hi Chris, what are you doing here?" I asked.
" Just taking a walk.. " He responded and looked at Kian with a glare. " So chris.. Hows Crawford doing." kian smirked.

" Tell Kizzy that im going home." chris said and start walking away. " Hah, you should be the one in the hospital not you're stupid brother" kian said. I looked at Chris and then at Kian.
chris stopped walking and turned around " Dont Call MY Brother STUPID!!! " Chris yelled. kian laughed. " If you never dragged him to cam's party he would probably be here. But yeah you wanted to be a show off..and drive home while you texted" Kian said.

" SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! " chris yelled. " Maybe you wanted you're brother dead?" Kian continued. I slapped Kian across the face. " Stop it Kian!!!" I screamed. " defending you're soon to be boyfriend huh?" Kian spat at me.

" Listen kian.. Dont talk about him again if you love you're face.." chris spat and walked away.
I gave Kian a glare and run after Chris." chris!! Wait up" i shouted grabbing hes arm and turning him around. he didnt look at me. " Chris look at me" i begged. He still didnt look at me. " Chris please, look at me" i pleaded and he looked at me. " What was that all about? What happend with crawford?" I asked him.

chris yanked hes arm away from my grip. " Andrea... Stop" he said. " This has nothing to do with you.. But with me okay?" Hes voice cracked. " I almost killed my brother.. " He added pulling hes hair.I looked at him. " Chris calm down.. Take a deep breath... And then tell me you're story if you want" i said trying to calm him.


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