13. out of my life

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~ Christian's POV ~

She ran inside and slammed her door shut. Shes heartbroken. I clenched my fist and start walking again. I was so mad right now. How dare he hurt the most sweetest girl in the world?!

As i was walking down the streets i saw him. My eyes darkend and i run up to
Him and punched him many times!!

" chris stop it!!!" lia screamed and tried to pull me away from Cameron. big Fail cause she fell alone to the ground.
" You fucking hurt her!!!" I spat at the smirking Cameron. Hes fucking smirking at me. i slammed him into a tree and he coughed blood. "How dare you to break her heart you asshole!" I punched hes face. And Cameron whined in pain.

" CHRIS STOP!!!! " Lia screamed louder still trying to stop me from punching the shit out of Cameron.
I turned my head towards her and she backed away from me. Because i wasnt paying attention to Cameron he punched me in my face and i fell
Into the ground. And he stabbed me with a knife in my arm?!
He serious? A knife????!! I stand
Up tackled him down and kicked him many times in hes stomach!

He whined in pain again and i stopped.
" Next time you're death!" I spat at him. " And YOU!" I yelled at Lia and she flinched. " you're boyfriend is a whorthless piece of shit." I spat at her and walked away.

My face hurted and as i was walking to my house i kinda felt dizzy.. I rang the doorbell.. The last thing i rememberd was Crawford's worried face then everything went black...

~ Andrea's POV ~

I cried hours and didnt eat anything.
I told Alexander about it because my dad wasnt home.
I went straigt to my room. I missed Chris!
I wanted to talk to him again.. I should of listen to him when he said that Cam was cheating on me with that Lia girl. But i never did.

There was a knock on my door and Acacia came running in.
" Andrea!!! Com'on!!! " She screamend pullig me by my arm and leading me downstairs. i saw Kizzy and Kirsten in the livingroom with worried faces.

"Whats wrong girls?" I said and they both look up to me. Kizzy ran up to me and began to cry. I hugged her and rubbed her back. " Shhh, whats wrong?" I asked quitly..

" C-c-chris is at the ho-hos-hospital"she said and cried harder. My heart stopped. WHAT?!!
I looked at Kirsten and she hugged my brother. She was crying to..

"What happend to him?" I asked after they both calmed
Down. " We dont know.. He came home
And felt infront of Crawford's face!" Kirsten said.
" I'll drive you girls! acacia!!! Lets go" alexander yelled and we all went to hes car.

After driving for what seems like hours we finally arrived!
Alexander parked the car and we run inside. We asked for Chris hes room in the lobby. "room
114" the lady said and we thanked her and we run to hes room.

We knocked on the door and crawf open te door. " Hey" he said.. Hes eyes were red and puffy.. Hes been crying. " Prince!" Acacia yelled and jumped in hes arms. He hugged her tight. I looked over at the bed where Chris is laying lifeless..

I heard the door open and close and shawn came in with Alexander. Shawn hugged kizzy and alex hugged kirsten. I turned my attention back to Chris and sat down on the chair next to hes bed.
I held hes hand.

" Hi chris.. wake up please. Were worried about you.. Pls wake up." I said holding hes hand. "I mis you're voice youre smile...I mis taking to you..i miss you.. I whisperd While huggig him. I heard a soft voice and looked at him."Chris?"i said and hes eyes open and closed again because the sun was shining on hes face. "Close the window and get out of my room people..." He said pulling the blanket over hes head. "OUCH My Arm!! " He shouted.

"Carefull brother, its still healing.. " Kirsten said and sat down on the other side of es bed. Chris sat up straigt and looked at hes arm.
"Why am i here?" He questioned confused.

" You blacked out man." Crawford responded. Chris hes eyes landed on me and hes face was emotionless.. "What are you doing here?" He spat at me. I backed away. "I-i- i was just visiting y-you.." I stutterd.

"I dont want you here! You're the reason Cameron stabbed me!" He spat " just get out of my life!" He said.
" christian!" Both Kirsten and Kizzy shouted. "NO!" chris yelled back and looked at me with anger in hes eyes.

" GO AWAY!!!! " he yelled at me "FINE I WILL" i spat and run out of the room. And bumped into someone. " Oh sorry.." I said whiping away my tears. "Oh honey are you okay?" The person said and i looked up.
It was a beautiful woman and she wasnt old. I shook my head no and run away.
Alexander run behind me because i heard him
Calling my name a few times.

~Christian's POV~

" Dude what the hell?!" Crawford said kinda angry. "Why would you say that man?!" Shawn added.
I looked at them and notice a little girl in Crawfords arms..

"Whos that?" I asked trying to change the subject. "Acacia Anderson... Andrea's younger sisterrr." Crawford responded. "And that boy who was standing there... Was her older brother." Kirsten added.

The door opened and i hoped it was Andrea and her brother but no.. It was my mom.
" Honey are you okay?" She said hugging me.
I whined in pain... She layed on my arm..
" Moo-oommm...my arm" i said. She looked at it and said sorry.
"Who did this to you?" She asked.

"Cameron.." I mumbeld and i knew she heard.
" WHAT ? THAT BOY DID THAT TO YOU?!!!!" She screamend and Acacia flinched.she hugged crawford and he looked at her. "Is he mad at my sister" i heard acacia whisper ..crawford nodded. "Why? She didnt do anything to him isnt it." She whisperd. I saw Crawford looking at me and went out of the room
With the rest of the guys.. They left me with mom.

~ Acacia's POV ~

crawford sat me down
And bent to my high level and sighed.
" princess, you know you're sister was inlove with that cameron boy" Crawford said and i nodded " i dont like him.. He took my sister away from me." I replied.
He looked at me and sighed again. " He broke you're sisters heart.. And Chris.. That boy inside of the room told her. But she never believed him." He said. "She needs icecream and chocolate." I said and he smiled.

"Haha.. You know, my brother isnt really mad at her. He really likes her."Crawford said. I looked at him
Confused. "But why did he yell at her a few seconds ago?" I questioned.

He looked at Karisma and then back at me.
kizzy bent down next to Crawford.
" Because he is hurt.. Because you're sisters heart is still with cameron.
And he wants her heart." Kizzy said and i nodded.

"So, Chris likes my sister as much as i love you?" I asked and looked at Crawford. He nodded with a smile.

"Yeah he does"


Yayyyy new chapter!!!

A Lovestory ~ Chris Collins & Andrea Russett ~Where stories live. Discover now