05. Crawford

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~ Andrea's POV ~

When Chris calmed down a bit he explained what happend and how he knew Cameron and Kian. But he never came to this school. I hugged him.

" Hes going to be alright Chris. I promise! Hes going to be alright.." I rubbed hes back and i heard him cry. We stood their hugging each other for 5 minutes untill i pulled away.

" We need to go back to class" i said putting my hand out for him to reach it. He grabbed my hand and were walking back to class but the bell rang.

" We need to go to our second period." Chris smiled.
He has such an adorable smile. " Thanks" he said.
" Did i just said it out loud?" I asked him and he nodded.
I blushed and looked away.
" Hey, dont hide you're face when you blush! Its beautifull" chris said lifting my head towards him with his finger under my chin. I blushed more. I saw him lean in and so did i

" andrea!!!!!" Maggie yelled.
I turned my head in annoyance and looked at her.
Chris scratched the back of hes head. " How dare you to leave me all alone in class! I have to do a Project with Carter." She said punching me playfully. I laughed. " That is good. So who's my project partner?" I asked.

" chris" she said. And i looked at Chris, he didnt heard it i guess. " So who's Ariana's Partner?" I asked. She looked at me " She wanted to work with Chris but i told the teacher he knew you and so he put Chris as you're partner and Kian as hers." She replied

" Okay, thanks. chris lets go?" I asked and we all headed inside.

- After a few hours it was time for lunch -
I was at the cafetaria with Chris, Maggie, Carter, hayes, Matthew , Jai brooks, Madison Beer
" Kizzy! " Maggie screamed as Kizzy walked into the lunchroom. She waved and i saw a boy behind her. She talked to him and they both came Toward us.

" Hi guys, this is Shawn " she said pointing at the smiling boy next to her. " you guys are in my art class " hayes said at both of them. " You're the kid that made fart noices " Shawn said making our whole table laugh. kizzy sit down next to Shawn with a smile. I think she likes him.

Everyone introduced themself to each other. Untill we heard the speakers. " Hello students, we want to pronounce that their is going to be a Galaball and we are going to vote for our new Queen& King. Dont worry were going to pick a few" the speaker said. "Noah is going to tell you the students that has a chance to become a King" everyone looked at Noah who was standing on the table with a microphone.
" Hello students, classmates. I'm going to pronounce the Kings so listen carefully.." noah began and then continued " for The kings, Kian, Cameron dallas, Jai brooks, Christian and Shawn." She said and everyone clapped. " i dont want to be a king :/ " Chris pouted. " You would be an amazing king brother and so do you shawn and Jai" Kizzy said with a smile. " Yeah Kian or either Cameron will win this thing" Jai said.

" Nah, im gonna vote for you guys" madison said holding Hayes hand. " Thanks" Jai smiled.
" Now for the queens, if i pronounce you're names
Come up here and i'll give you're crowns." Noah said.

" First Ariana Grande, Karisma, Andrea Anderson, Maggie Lindemann and Miley! come up here girls" she said and everyone clapped.

I was schoked.. And i guess maggie and Kizzy were too..
They stand up and made their way towards Noah who gave them their crowns.

" hey Chris, me and you would make the perfect King and Queen." Ariana said trying to flirt with him. He rolled hes eyes. " I dont know why people picked you to be a queen. they must be blind" ariana said towards me.

" Shut the fuck up ariana, move those thin legs and walk away" matthew spat at her
she rolled her eyes and walked away. " Im gonna vote for you" chris winked at me.
" So do i" Jack J said.

I stand up and walk towards Noah. " Name please?" She said. " I'm Andrea Anderson " i replied with a smile.
She gave me my crown and i walk back to my table.
"It looks good on you girls" Jai said. " Thanks" kizzy replied.

- few hours later school was finally over -

I was waiting for Alexander but he texted me saying that he cant come. So i had to walk. Someone shouted my name and i turned around.
" Whatsup kizzy!" I smiled.
" Do you wanna meet Crawford ?" She said. I nodded. I really wanted to meet him.

Kizzy grabbed my hand and walked me towards a car. Probably Christian's car.
And i was right, he was waiting inside the car with kirsten in the backseat.
I said hello to both if them. And they nodded. kizzy took a seat next to Kirsten so i took a seat next to Chris.

It wasnt that long untill we arrived at a hospital.
Kizzy and kirsten walked out of the car and went into the building. "So, you ready to meet my brother?" Chris asked. I just nodded and we both walked out of the car.
We headed inside the building and walked to Crawford's room.

Kizzy smiled as she see me enter this room.
" This is Crawford, our brother" she said pointing at a boy who lays their lifeless
On the white bed. He has beautiful brown hair. Beautiful pink lips. And hes face was perfection.

Chris took a seat next to crawfords bed and took hes hand. " Hey lil bro.. How are you... You know.. Our house is very quiet without hearing you're voice" Chris began. " I know you're going to wake up soon. You're a strong kid." Chris smiled and kissed Crawfords forhead and looked at me. After a hour we headed to the door.

"Chris... Is that y-you?"
chris turned around "crawf?!" Kizzy and kirsten runned to Crawfords bed. " w-where am i?" Crawford said. " My head hurts sooooo bad " crawford whined and tried to sit up.
" Woah take it easy budd" chris said. " Omg im gonna get a doctor" kirsten said and walked out. Crawford looked around and hes eyes landed on me. " Who's that? You're
Girlfriend Chris?" Crawford asked Chris. I blushed a little. " NO! I mean n-n-no, shes a friend. " Chris stutterd.
Crawford smiled " a friend of Chris, is a friend of mine. i'm Crawford, but please call me Crawf." He smiled at me. " Nice to finally meet you, my name is Andrea. " I smiled.
Soon the doctors came in and asked Crawford alot of questions like.. How do you feel, are you hurt, do you feel dizzy/ pain? "i'm fine, only my head hurts.. Nothing else.." Crawford responded to te doctor. " Okay good, but you have to stay for a while so we can do some tests. If nothings wrong you can go home with you're family" the doctor said.

Kizzy hugged Crawford " i'm gladd you're back with us!" And he hugged her back.
" Thanks, i heard everything you guys said to me. I wanted to shout that im
Awake. But i couldnt move" crawford said.

Kirsten hugged Crawford " i didnt wanted to lose you. I love you baby brother" she said.

A Lovestory ~ Chris Collins & Andrea Russett ~Where stories live. Discover now