Chapter 17

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I smile at him as he walks over to me. He puts the plate in front of me before walking to the fridge. "Do you want a beer?" Luke asks me. "Yeah I'll take one." I say, making him nod as he grabs two beers out. He closes the fridge and walks over to me. He sits across from me and puts the beer in front of me. I take a bite of the sandwich and look at him with wide eyes. "You sure you aren't a chef? Because this tastes like a damn club sandwich." I ask him. Luke giggles and shakes his head. "No I'm not. I was raised to cook and make food from my mom before I came here." Luke replies as we hear Michael wall back down the hall. I nod and open my beer, taking a sip before taking another bite of the sandwich.

(A/N: Just an FYI, this will be a bit longer because I have to explain the chapter about some madeup wolf pack information along with Midnight Zero, the most powerful werewolf duo in history. So make sure you read this chapter really well.) 

I finish the sandwich just as Michael walks in with the lycanthrope in his hands. He walks to the table and sits next to Luke while putting the book on the table. "Okay do you remember which chapter was about Midnight Zero? Because I haven't taken this book out since I met Luke." Michael asks me, making Luke blush. I chuckle as I shake my head 'no'. "I have no idea either. But I'm probably going to stay here for a little bit so I'll just read the whole thing again." I say as I drink some beer. He chuckles and nods before sliding the book over to me. I look at the cover as I put the beer bottle down. I gently glide my hand across the top as I take in every detail of the cover. "I guess not every pack has the same cover." I say out loud. "So your pack didn't have that on the cover?" Michael replies, making me look at him. "My lycanthrope before it burned had wolves on it. But it was more so the Alpha on the top left, the Luna right next to him, and their pup underneath them with what looked like a rogue wolf in the top left corner of the cover." I explain briefly before getting my phone out. I unlock my phone and go to my gallery, clicking on a picture that has the cover of my old lycanthrope before it got burned.

I look at the couple in front of me before showing them the cover of it. "Oh my. That is a nice cover. I know my pack lycanthrope had a pack of wolves on it protecting a pup from a rogue pack." Luke tells me. "Like I said, every pack probably has a different cover." I say. He nods and Michael slides the book to me. "Well, feel free to read mine. Luke's mom has the lycanthrope back home so mine is the only one we have." He replies. "Thanks. Is there somewhere I can sit at or where I can have peace and quiet?" I ask him. "I can show you to my yoga room. It's actually both a yoga room and a relaxation room." Luke replies. I look at him and smile. "Thanks. I would love that." I say as I get up. I pick the lycanthrope up and hold it close to my chest as the couple in front of me stands up as well. "I'm going to be back in the garage. Call out if anything." He tells us. I nod along with Luke as Luke kisses Michael's cheek. The three of us walk out and Luke shows me to the yoga/relaxation room while Michael goes back to work. He walks down the hall and up to a door. He opens it and I giggle. "Yeah I can see why you are saying it's both in one." I say with a smile. Luke giggles and blushes. "Michael actually made it for me. I have him to thank." Luke replies.

I nod as I walk into the room. I walk to the rocking chair in the corner and sit down. I slide my shoes off and watch Luke walks to a counter. I pull my legs under me as I open the lycanthrope slowly. I look at the first page before opening it to the sections it has. Never knew that lycanthropes had an index. Or a section as to what chapter was on what page. I lean into the rocking chair as I look at the sections while moving my finger down to find the one I want. I stop when I see the 'Mate' chapter. I quickly flip to the page and automatically see a wolf above his mate on one page. I look at the next page and start reading.


Most wolves find it hard to find a mate. Finding a mate can be both a good and bad thing. For a male or female wolf finding his or her mate in the pack he or she is currently in, it is good due to the simple fact that the male or female wolf doesn't have to introduce his or her mate to everyone and make sure everyone is aware of the male or female wolf's mate. If the mate is either in a different pack, such as an ally or enemy pack, the male or female might consider having his or her mate be slowly brought into the pack. If the mate is a rogue and has no idea or recollection of their past pack, the male or female would bring them to the pack doctor and see if their mate would remember his or her old pack before he or she became a rogue. Finding the mate is simply one step into the mating process. The next step would be bonding their soul with their mate. If their mate is willing to bond their soul with the male wolf, it will be an easy process. If their mate is skeptical, that is fine. The male or female wolf would wait until their mate is ready and prepared to bind their soul with the said male or female wolf. The next and final stage would be the marking stage. The final stage to fully bind the male or female wolf with their mate. If their mate is marked with permission, then it will not be anything else but pleasure. But if the marking is forced upon their mate, their mate would feel excruciating pain and try to force the male or female wolf off of them. If the male or female wolf's mate rejects the mate marking, then the male or female will become depressed over time until the male or female's mate is ready and prepared to be marked again.

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