Chapter 7

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We all kept quite sitting on the edge of our seats excited. I was so excited to listen to his reaction. Right now there was silence from the other side.

"Mom!!!...Mom! Where are you?" The voice faltered in the end.

"I think he went inside to look for his mom." Brian laughed softly.

After a minute we heard him come back cursing, "Are you serious? How can she forget to lock the door! Someone legit covered my car with post it notes!" We heard a loud noise.

He kicked his car.

"Wait... what?... Tell me you are kidding me. The person even wrote "Fuck You"!" He yelled.

If it wasn't for the audio we would have been still able to listen to what he was saying because he was actually yelling so loud that the whole neighborhood could hear him.

"Hey you little nasty Seventeen year old kid. Why are you yelling for no reason,ehh? Should I call your mom and complain about you." We heard a voice of lady in her late fifties I think. Even though her voice was quivering a little, she had that stiffness in her voice which could make you run for your life.

"I-I'm sorry Mrs Baker b-but... 'F-fuck you'."

We all gasped in the car, "No he didn't." I whispered my hand still on my lips.

"Dd-did he just..?" Evie turned to look at me and Brian with wide eyes.

There was a deadly silence in the car as well as on the other side. I could feel myself imagining Nathaniel standing there with wide eyes looking at Mrs Baker with his mouth open.

"I-I didn't. N-no. M-my car Mrs Baker, it s-says 'Fuck you', not m-me." I could hear the terror in Nathaniel's voice as he spoke.

It was at that moment I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst out laughing like a maniac while Brian amd Evie did the same. Even though the prank was already good we didn't think that it would take such an interesting turn.

"I didn't know your car could speak Nathaniel." Mrs Baker said back to Nathaniel. Her voice extremely calm. I composed myself sitting straight again listening to Mrs Baker, "And that too it says, 'Fuck you'. Interesting. I'll let your mother know."

That's it. It was the end of us. We couldn't control our laughing anymore. I sank down my seat laughing hard clutching my stomach. While Brian had his head resting on the steering wheel laughing hard, Evie did the same while resting her head on the seat.

"He is so dumb" I said in between laughters.

"I kid you not." Evie said. Her voice out of breath as she took a few deep breaths.

I looked at Brian who had his head on the seat just like Evie, while he looked at her smilingly.

"Wait for when he goes into his room." Brian smiled at Evie.

I looked at both of them before diverting my attention back to the audio. There was a silence for a while until we heard it. Screams. Lots of girly screams. Ear piercing screams.

"I'll cry. I'll cry. No. No. No. Not my walls. God not my walls. The car was bad enough they had to ruin my room too!"

I could almost hear his voice breaking. Is he on the verge of crying? It wasn't that big of a prank!

"He is such a crybaby!" Evie looked at both of us. Her face showing signs of disbelief, "I didn't take a member of the XAN trio to be this sensitive."

"I know right." I mumbled.

I heard shuffling from the speakers before a loud noise of thud went all inside the car.

He fell down.

And it wasn't a normal fall. It was an 'ouch I think I cracked my butt' kind of fall.

My eyes snapped upto Evie's face to find thin lines of confusion as mine. As soon as I saw her reaction I knew what was going through her mind. We both had the same thought.

Who broke the chair?

We both looked at Brian who grinned at us. Ofcourse, it has to be Brian. How can we even doubt him for a second?

But how? He was with us the whole time. And I didn't. Not even once. Saw him trying to experiment his magic on the chair.

"You are one of a kind." I bowed to Brian and clapped for him. This guy is whole new level of torture for his victims.

One thing I have learnt from this incident? You don't get onto Brian's bad side. I mean even the XAN trio likes to stay away from him. And that has a lot to say considering the school worships them. I know. Stupid, dumbass school.

"Why am I even back?" The speaker came back to life, "Oh Fuck, it hurts!"

There were struggling sounds from the other side before Nathaniel spoke again, "I swear I am not moving from this place anymore. Neither sitting nor moving. Nothing. I am done."

I could picture him standing with his hands on his hips as he struggled to not moan in pain. The poor guy. Little did he know that the oreos he kept for himself on the table, which I am assuming he'll surely eat. Especially now that he is hell bent onto not moving from his place, will make his mouth smell of toothpaste for weeks.


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