Chapter 25

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I sat there looking out through the window. It was almost dusk. It was so silent in the car that he had to put on some random song on the radio. My eyes were still looking out the window. I saw a car passing by us. I found a couple walking by the footpath together hand in hand.

I sighed. I can't believe I said yes to have some boyfriend. I don't know if I did right or not.

"Take a left from here." I said in a low voice so that only he could hear me.

I looked sideways to glance his way and wondered again, how did I end up with him in the car? Taking me home? Sitting beside me? Being my boyfriend.

"You don't need to be awkward." He said from beside me.

I don't need to be awkward? Let's see, I just made a boyfriend almost an hour ago who I have never known in my entire life. And he is good looking. He is sweet too. And in the past hour I found that he is flirtatious too. And yes, I am sitting beside him while he is driving me back home without having anything to speak. Yes, definitely not awkward.

I kept my head straight but looked at him from my peripheral vision.

"I am not." I said trying to sound convincing. I cleared my throat now fully facing him.

He turned his face slightly towards me raising his eyebrows and a smile on his face. He turned the music down and went to drive again.

"Let's talk then." He said smirking.

I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear well aware that his eyes were on me, "Sure. What should we talk about?"

He fell silent for a while. I couldn't help but move my gaze towards him. To appreciate his perfection. His face. His eyes, they were their natural colour right now. Grey.

He finally looked at me catching me off-guard, "The very foundation of a relationship starts from the fact that there are no secrets between them. So what about that?"

"We are not really dating." I said a little sourly.

"I was talking about friendship. We can be friends, right? We'll let people believe that we are dating but that doesn't mean we need to be strangers." I was so engrossed in his eyes that I didn't notice that we stopped. We both were still looking at each other before I felt the need to look away. I did. I looked around and found that we were in front of my house.

I should be getting out, shouldn't I? But I didn't. Maybe because there were a set of eyes which were keeping me glued to my seat.

I looked around at everything but him. He put his hands on top of mine which were sitting on my laps. I took in a deep breath before snapping my eyes towards him.

"Besides," he continued, "I need to know everything so that I don't get surprised in the future. I can protect you."

I cleared my throat. Boy was he good? Yes. Definitely.

"I am surprised Brian didn't tell you already." I said.

I expected Brian to already tell Luke all about it. I mean why would Luke even agree to fake date me without even knowing anything. That was all the more weird.

"He did." Luke admitted.

I sighed in relief, "Then what do you want to know?"

"It isn't the same listening it from Brian. You know him, he would miss major details. So I would like to listen to it from you."

I lowered my gaze to look at my hands but I found his hands still covering them. I don't know why but it didn't feel right so I took my hands away. I couldn't help but look at him. To make sure he wasn't hurt. I was sure he was the right guy the minute he nodded his head at me in understanding and put his hands on the steering wheel.

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