Chapter 42

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It has been ten days since I last saw Xavier. He doesn't attend any classes. He doesn't come to school. Nathaniel and Alec make sure not to talk about him in front of me and stay by my side all day trying to make me happy and smile.

And I am. I am happy. Or that is what I want people to believe.

Of course I am still hurt. Of course I still cry at night for hours but atleast I don't run away from my feelings. Atleast I am going on with my daily life and haven't ghosted people.

I can't let people around me be worried about me when all the damn problem was in me. I was the one who made all the mistakes.

I made a mistake of not giving up on him earlier. Still holding onto him. Still caring for him when all he did was push me away. Not noticing me.

But you see, you never learn until you make mistakes. And I know better to learn from them.

"It's been a while since I saw Xavier pick you up for school. Is everything okay between you two?" Mom asked as she sat in the chair opposite to mine.

I was about to have a mouthful of my bread when I put it back in the plate and got up from my chair,

"I'll get late." I muttered before taking my bag and leaving for school.

I could feel the confusion on my mom's face as she stared at me awkwardly. She was still processing what just happened. Before I got out I heard her yell,

"But it's still half an hour early"

I closed the door behind me as I walked out. A gush of wind passed by making me shiver a little. I rubbed my arms lightly before looking up at the sky.

It was colder than most of the days. And guess what? Yes, I will wait here outside until Alec shows up.

Not by my wish of course. I could always go on my own or ask Brian to pick me up...come on he is my friend, the least he can do to pay me for being such a good friend to him is give me a ride school.

But I am suppose to wait for Alec especially today that I came out half an hour earlier.

I cursed at the cold weather. Of all days it could have picked to be cold...mother nature chose today.

"You are early." I heard a familiar voice.

I snapped my head to the front to look at him. I haven't seen him since the party. A huge grin made it's way onto my face as I ran and wrapped my arms around him.

He laughed before hugging me back and lifting me up a little, "Look at you." He huffed, "Did you just become heavy in these last ten days?" He laughed.

I hit him on the shoulders before demanding him to put me back down,

"I am just kidding." He chuckled before putting me back down.

I stood in front of him-- grinning before hitting his arm, "Why are you always here to pick me up whenever I am early?"

I asked remembering the first time he came to pick me up for school. We both were early. Just like today.

He shrugged his shoulders looking down at me with his grey eyes twinkling, "What can I say? I am your guardian angel?"

I shook my head trying to suppress my smile. I was so glad to see Luke after these days. It just reminded me that not much has changed since that day. Except the fact that a few thorns were removed and a few broken pieces were laid.

"Come on." He rubbed his hands together, "It's getting cold. Get inside." He said opening the car door for me just like before.

I smiled softly before getting in.

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