Chapter 9

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I stood at the same spot where I was suppose to meet Xavier. Knowing he was practicing the whole day I wasn't even sure if he'll be here to pick me up. I checked the time before going and sitting on the other side, my legs propped on each other.

I checked my phone. If Xavier didn't really show up I don't know how I might go back home. It's not like I don't know how to drive. I just don't have anything to go in.

I'll just have to call mom. Or Brian. Or hoard a bus.

I sighed looking up at the sky. It was a wonderful day with sun shining brightly. Most of the times it was windy here. Not really raining everyday but the clouds would definitely cover up the sun making it dark and cloudy.

"Do you plan on spending the night here?" The silky voice made it's way into my ears.

My eyes snapped in front of me to look at Xavier sitting on his bike looking as handsome as always. He still had that black jacket on. He ran his hands through his hair once before turning his hazel gaze back to me. He raised his eyebrows at me in a questioning way.

I cleared my throat lightly before looking around a little embarrassed. He looked hella hot, you cannot blame me for staring at him. Standing up I dusted my pants off. I went and sat behind him very quietly. Putting my arms around his waist I sat a little closer to him.

I could feel his shoulders tense a bit but they relaxed once I tightened my clutch.

"I am ready." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

Before he revved the engine he asked, "Do you have anything to do after school?"

I looked at him from the mirror a little surprised that he asked me. I shook my head slightly at him not able to get any sound out of my mouth. He turned his gaze to look in front before nodding at me very subtly.

"I'm taking you elsewhere then." He said after some time over the loud gust of wind as he sped the bike faster and faster.

I didn't say anything to him after that. I couldn't believe the fact that Xavier wanted to take me somewhere with him. Someone was not forcing him. It was his own choice. I could not help a smile crawl up on my face. I felt Satisfied. Happy. And what not. Could it be a date? Or am I just over analyzing things again?

"Can you stop for a minute in front of in and out?" I asked him a little loud. Even though I thought my voice wasn't that loud for him to hear I was surprised when he replied,

"I'll do, if you are hungry." He was still concentrated on the road ahead of him. Definitely won't like an accident, would we?

I looked around loving the thrill that went down my stomach. The wind that blew our hair. The speed which made people disappear. I could only see figures. Not people. The only things clearer to me right now were Xavier, me and the bike.


I descended from the bike looking at the in and out in front of me. Xavier was about to get down too when I stopped him letting him know that I'll be right back in a minute and that he didn't have to go inside.

"Here." I turned around again to look at Xavier who held out money in his hand.

I stared at his hand dumbfounded. What does he think? I don't have money? Well technically I don't have much right now. But what kind of a person does he take me to take money from him? I shook my head a little annoyed at him,

"I have enough." No matter how much I tried I could not help the annoyance show in my voice.

"Suit yourself." He shrugged his shoulders putting the money back.

After five minutes I ran towards him. He was still sitting there waiting for me looking around. As soon as he looked sideways his eyes locked with mine. I saw a smile smile appear on his face. Was I dreaming? Did Xavier really smile at me?

As I approached him I looked down at the burger and fries in the bag. Aaaah do they smell heavens.

But it wasn't for me. I looked up to smile at Xavier warmly. He looked at me a little confused as to why was I smiling at him. He was about to open his mouth but before he could say anything I hoped back into the seat urging him to go on.

He pursed his lips tight. And revved the engine. I sighed in relief that he didn't ask anything. If I told him it was for him and not me. He would have right there and then made me return it. Better yet force me to eat it. Knowing he haven't had anything since morning I thought of buying him lunch from whatever money I had.

I didn't have much money to buy it for both of us and I didn't want his money so I just ended up buying enough for him.

I sighed putting my head on his shoulder lightly. He was so warm but cold at the same time that I couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach.

I felt my stomach rumble. Great, I murmured to myself. I was hungry even though I had lunch....Liya this food is for Xavier and not for you. I reminded myself...but it looks so delicious, my mind reasoned.

But he hasn't eaten anything whole should give it to him. My heart said.

And ladies and gentlemen, we all know who won in the end. No matter how much I love food. My love for Xavier won over my love for food. And that has a lot to say considering there is nothing better than food in this world.


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