Chapter 13

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I took deep breaths with a hand on my heart. I could feel my heart running wildly. Right now I was sitting behind a tree which was covered in bushes. I managed to run away from them momentarily. But I wasn't sure for how long I can stay here.

I tried reaching the library but they were already too close to me that I had no choice but to hide in here.

I was terrified as I leaned down on the tree and looked up. So much for returning home before the rain.

I took my phone out and keeping the brightness to the minimum I dialled my mother's number.

It again went to voicemail. Are you serious? Of all the days she could have been this busy to pick my calls up, it so happens to be today.

I sighed closing my eyes. I could feel panic setting inside of me. I don't know why but my mind was becoming numb.

But I can't afford to panic. Not right now when this gang is behind me!

Xavier. I should call Xavier. Maybe this time he'll pick up. I don't know! He should!

I called his number again. I waited as my heart sank deeper and deeper as the time passed.

I hate him! I hate everyone!

Isn't there anyone I can rely onto when I am in trouble?! FOR GOD'S SAKE.

I closed my eyes. My hands were shaking now as I heard a few bikes pass through. I was terrified I might get caught and then they'll do GOD KNOWS WHAT.

And then it struck me.


With my hands shaking wildly I took my phone out again to call an uber. But I heard a shuffling around. I put my phone upside down on the ground as fast as I could. I didn't want anyone to find me out just because of my phone light.

I could hear my heart beating wildly as the sound of shuffling continued. I rolled up into a ball with my back still against the tree.

Suddenly I was blinded by the light which was directed into my eyes. I cursed bringing my hands to cover my eyes. I tried to peek but the light was too bright. For now I knew it was flashlight of the phone.

I tried to get away from it as it moved towards me. They found me. I am caught. I am done. I am screwed. I can't run away. But how? I tried so hard to not get caught.

"Liya?" I heard a soft voice, "Is that you?"

I froze in my spot. That voice. I recognize that voice. I put my hands down as the flashlight turned off. I couldn't see anything for a moment before my eyes started adjusting to their surrounding.

"Alec?" I asked.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, "Yeah it's me. What- what are you doing here so late?"

He was now standing in front of me. I could now see him properly. He was looking down at me with concern. He ran his hands through his blonde hair before looking around as if making sure no one was around.

I stared at him for a while not believing it was actually him. Someone I knew. The relief I felt right now was unexplainable. I got up and hugged him tight. I couldn't help it. I couldn't help myself but hug him. I was on the verge of a panic attack!

He seemed taken off guard at my gesture.

"Thank god." I cried, "Thank god you found me. I thought I was caught. I thought I was going to die." I cried more now that I knew I had someone now.

For a moment Alec didn't do so much as move his arms. I could feel he was still shocked that I hugged him. But then slowly he wrapped them around me. Trying to comfort me. He patted my back lightly as I cried.

"Hey, it's fine. You are fine." He whispered into my ear giving me reassurance.

I stepped a little back, tears still running down my eyes, "I called my mom. Xavier. No one picked up. And they-"

"Xavier?" He asked confused.

Of course. He doesn't know. He doesn't know that he is my fiance. And that he didn't even care to attend my call when I needed him the most. No one did.

"He's a family friend. So," I started to cover up but Alec shook his head,

"Are you fine? You looked terrified."

"I was terrified." I breathed out, "This gang. They were following me. And no one was picking my call up and I thought I was not going to survive today and then I remembered the uber but before that you found me."

"I saw light coming from this side. So I just came to check. But I wasn't" He admitted.

"Surprise." I tried laughing in my throaty voice. But it just ended up making me sound like a toad.

He laughed before going into his pocket and coming out with a handkerchief, "Here. I think you need this."

I took it from him and nodded my head at him while biting my lip, "Thank you, Alec. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't show up."

He tried suppressing a smile, "Surprise."

I laughed along with him. I used his handkerchief to wipe my tears away before offering it back.

I don't know why but I felt warm right now. I felt comfortable now that Alec was here. And somehow I wasn't afraid anymore. Maybe it is just because I wasn't alone anymore.

"Keep it."

"Huh?" I looked at Alec confused. He pointed out to his handkerchief. I looked down at it before looking back at Alec.

He really wants me to keep it?

"No. No. I can't." I tried giving it back to Alec while he did anything in his power to not take it back from me.

I even tried putting it back in his pocket but won't let me.

"I. Said. Keep. It. With. You." He said sincerely now stopping me with my shoulders.

I looked into his eyes, "And. I. Said. No." I tried to say it as slow and as effectively as him.

He shook his head before letting go of me, "Why?"

"Because it is yours."

"Well I don't have my name written over it."

"Yes, but-"

"No buts. Just keep it with you."

I tried to argue back but he puts his finger on my lips making me quiet. I stared at his finger before looking back at him.

There was a smirk on his face. He was glad that he was finally able to get me to stop arguing.

He didn't remove it for a minute still staring at me before I cleared my throat. He snapped out of whatever trance he was in and removed his finger from my lips. He looks around everywhere but me and cleared his throat.

What was that?

"Let's get you home." He said still not looking into my eyes.

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