Epilogue- Part I

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(You can listen to, 'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz)

I was sitting on my bed reading a book when I heard a knock on my window. I looked up confused for a few seconds before going back to read my book.

It was 11pm already...why would someone knock at my window at this late hour...No. Scratch that. Why would someone knock at my window at any time.

I wasn't even two seconds into reading when I heard it again. The knock on the window. This time more prominent than ever. Hasty.

I gulped a little scared before placing my book down and slowly moving towards the window. Once I was standing just in front of it I pulled the curtains aside and tried to look outside in the dark.

My breathing hitched and I stumbled back when I saw a face staring back at me through the window glass. I took a few deep breaths with my hand still on my heart before looking back at the window and seeing the face clearly now.

My jaw dropped open when I saw Xavier's face staring back at me looking at me expectantly to open the window.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle still standing there as I looked at his face pressed against the window now. His hazel eyes ran all around before looking at me and mumbling through the window,

"Let me in, will you?"

My eyes twinkled before I went and slid the window open while a wave of fresh air entered the room. But my attention was all centered on the guy in front of me. Outside my window. He passed me a huge grin before entering my room now.

I stepped back a little as to give him some space. Once he was inside he chuckled lightly and stretched his arms before looking back at me and coming towards me.

I took a step back as he took a step towards me. A look of confusion ran through his face before he took another step forward while I continued to step back.

His eyes slid to mine before a smirk made it's way onto his face.

"Are you running away from me?" He asked with amusement.

"N-no." I replied tugging a strand of my hair back.

Without any warning he almost ran towards me while I tried to run away from him. A scream escaped my mouth as his hands found their way around my waist and he lifted me up.

"You can never run away from me." He whispered in my ear as he put me down lightly whilst his hands were still around my waist.

I tried to get away from his clutch but he won't let me so I turned around in his arms to face him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked tilting my head to one side.

His eyes brightened up as he spoke, "I am here to take my girlfriend for a movie."

The way he said girlfriend made my stomach flutter with butterflies. I could feel my cheeks heat up as I unclenched his hands and stepped away from him,

"Why the window? I am sure my parents won't say no if you asked them."

He is my fiance. And I know my parents. Rather than saying 'no', I am sure they would be willing to throw me out of the house with him.

Xavier pouted before going and sitting on my bed,

"Now where's the fun in that? I am your boyfriend and I want you to experience each and everything a couple would. Even if that is sneaking out of the house."

I stared at him for a while before a smile made its way onto my face. I still can't believe that my love for him won in the end. I still can't believe he is sitting here in front of me as my boyfriend. We are dating. We are engaged. It still seems so surreal.

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