Chapter 24

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"No. No. No. No. No. We can't do this." I shook my head in denial looking at Evie and Brian who were looking at me expectantly.

"But why?" Evie complaint, "Just look at him, will you?"

I did. I gave the guy sitting beside me a good look.

"Xavier is hot. But he is Hollywood material "hot"." Evie complaint.

I looked back at him again while he wriggled his eyebrows at me. I couldn't deny that he was way better looking than Xavier and that has a lot to say since....I am the one saying that. He wasn't as tall as Xavier but he was hot. F'ing hot.

"Come on Liya, if Xavier gets a chance you should get one too." Brian said putting his hands on my shoulder, "Maybe you will fall in love with him too." he mumbled the last sentence to himself.

I sighed closing my eyes.


One hour ago

"Mom I am home." Brian said loudly as he opened the door to his apartment for me and Evie. He took his shoes out beside a rack. His slippers were already out so he slipped them on.

Evie and I were about take our own shoes off and go inside with just our socks on when we heard a woman from inside,

"Brian you gross person, how many times have I told you to keep your room clean! Especially throw your underwear in the laundry and not on the floor!"

I felt Evie lean a little closer towards me before whispering into my ear, "That's Brian's mom."

I looked back at her as she tried to control her laughter. Brian looked back at her and I swear I could see his cheeks turn up red due to embarrassment.

"Mom! I have someone with me. Can we please not talk about my personal hygiene?" Brian yelled out of embarrassment as he entered into what I suppose was his living room.

We took our shoes off before entering behind him. His apartment was actually very spacious. The grey walls giving an elegant vibe with black couches. The room was well lit due to the fact that it had a large window at the other end of the room from where the sunlight came through. There was a table between the couches while a vase of flower was sitting on top of it.

I saw a woman emerge from one of the rooms. There was no doubt that she was Brian's mother. You could see the similarity between them. Their eyes, hair and features. They were so much like her.

"Well we wouldn't have talked about it if only you were hygienic. I have told you so many times to not leave them on the floor!"

"Mom!" Brian said alarmed. He took a step back and put his hands on mine and Evie's shoulder, "I have girls over. It is embarrassing." He said the last part through his teeth with force.

Brian's mom looked at both of us before smiling, "I am so sorry. You know Brian, he is just so...unmanageable."

If I wasn't laughing before I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle now. I could see Evie trying to control her laughter too.

I love his mom. She was so lively. And lively people make home more homely.

Her eyes stopped on me, "You must be Liya."

I nodded my head at her before stepping forward and extending my arm, "it's nice to meet you,"

She took my hands in hers, "Call me Rene."

I couldn't help but smile warmly at her, "Rene."

She returned my smile, "I remember Brian telling me about you."

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