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Sophie's pov:

"You should've just admitted that you are afraid of horror movies!" I laughed at Yunho, whose cheeks were still red even after coming out of the theater.

"It was just... I'm not okay!?" he defended which made me laugh even more. He was trying so hard to hide his fear. It looked cute when someone so strong was scared of a horror movie.

He ignored my teasing and looked ahead. It was past midnight. The corridor was deserted. No one was around. The usually lively mall looked lifeless at that moment. Not even a single person was walking around.

Just when the similar feeling came. That feeling of suffocation and being watched. I clutched Yunho's hand.

Suddenly he stopped walking. I looked at him in confusion. He was staring in front. I followed his gaze and stared at the man standing in front of us. I gulped. He was the same man from before.

"What do you want?" Yunho spoke, his voice strong and deep. I was surprised at this.
What does he mean? Do they know each other?

I shook away my thoughts. The situation we were in right now was risky. The man looked like some sort of criminal. It was impossible to see his face because of the mask he wore.

I tried to pull Yunho to the other direction. "Let's just go. Quick!" I tried to whisper. However, Yunho didn't budge. Not even a bit.

"You know very well what I'm here for." The man replied, his hand slowly reaching the pocket of his overcoat. In an instant, he pulled out a small pistol and pointed it at Yunho.

I clutched Yunho even harder.
What the fuck is happening? Who is he? Why does he know Yunho? And why is he pointing a gun at Yunho?

I started shaking. I didn't know what to do. I glanced at Yunho. His expressions had turned into anger. He took a step forward on which the man instantly turned the target towards me.

I froze in my place. I was frightened. I couldn't think of anything.

"You have business with me. Stop targeting innocent people." Yunho growled. He was furious by now. This sudden change in behavior made the man take a step back and shift the gun point to Yunho once again.

I could now sense slight fear installed in the man. He was slowly going backwards as Yunho was approaching him slowly.

"Stay where you are or else I-I'll shoot." He stammered. His voice was now shaking, indicating that he was now scared. Yunho was getting pretty close, his every step as long strides.

"I know you won't shoot. I know who you are. You can't even kill a fly" Yunho said and with two swift gestures knocked the gun away from the man and pinned him down to the ground.

However, the man somehow reached his walkie talkie.

"I-I need bac-" before he could complete his sentence, Yunho smashed the little device on the ground, breaking it into pieces.

Yunho then reached his phone, "Felice, I need you right now. 3rd floor, near the theater exit. The corridor." He cut off and continued exerting force on the man below him.

I was looking at the whole scene in shock. Everything that was happening in front of me right now felt unreal. Am I dreaming? Just now I was on a normal movie date and now I'm learning so many things?

Yunho noticed me. "Sophie..... Stay right there. I think there are more so watch out. Keep looking around. I'm trying my best to make him unconscious."

I gaped in horror as he clenched his fists and gave a huge blow with his knuckles almost boring into the man's skull. His movements slowed down and soon the man stopped moving completely. Yunho stood up and came to me, embarrassment and guilt were trapped on his face.

I turned away. It was too much for me.

"What happened...?" Mr.Felice was panting by now.

"Take care of him. Do you need help?" Yunho glanced at the unconscious body.

"No, I'll handle him. You should go home and drop her safely" Mr.Felice said, handing Yunho the car keys.

"No. There might be more. I'm staying."

"I'll handle them. It's my job."

"But Felice-"

"Are you doubting my skills? I said I can handle them. Now go before his partners find him!" Mr.Felice said, annoyance in his voice.

"Okay. Let's go Sophie. You'll have to run but don't make any sound okay?" Yunho said, his voice a little lower. I was still confused and mad. I knew something was off. But this looked serious.
Just what was he involved in? And Mr.Felice too?

I had so many questions, and I knew Yunho had answers to all of them. Before I could confront to him about it, I felt his strong grip on my wrist. He grabbed me and started running.


Author's corner :

Author : Sooo... What was that y'all did today huh?? As an Atiny and BTS fan, I'm so proud right now!

Hongjoong : *blushing* it was nothing really....

Author : Also, y'all looked really good! *bursts uwus*

Mingi : Thanks. I know I'm handsome.

Yeosang : She was talking about me Mingi.


Wooyoung : *twiddling* and how was my performance?

Author : Wooyoung baby, you looked soooo happy! Must be such a great thing for you to cover your idol! *uwu intensifies*

Wooyoung : Exactly! Jimin hyung is the best!♥️

Seonghwa : You still haven't freaked out about Oneus performing Tempo-


San : Hehe~

Author : Don't you hehe me Sannie! You never fail to kill me!

Yunho : Power of Sannnn~

Jongho : *suddenly opening the door* I heard power. Are y'all discussing about power? I'm powerful!

Seonghwa : *facepalms* Go back to sleep kid. You've worked hard today.

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