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Third person pov:

"Martin? But she never spoke about him. I only know that Meghan is her best friend." Yunho looked confused.
"I-I'm not lying." Kevin spoke again. Hongjoong nodded his head. "Alright. We'll find it out by ourselves."
"Do you have any more questions Mingi?"

"No. Now he's useless for us. You can do whatever you wanted to do to him." Mingi said plainly, stashing down his notebook in his long coat.

"Hm... Punishment? He needs to be tortured for doing such a disgusting act." Yunho spoke, his voice deep.

"Hyunggg...Do you want me to stab his eyes with hot rods? Those same eyes he laid on Sophie and probably so many other girls?" Wooyoung playfully whined getting up from his position and looked at Yunho expectantly.

"Nooo....let's just cut down his fingers. The same fingers of those filthy hands that touched her body." San added.

"I feel like slicing his tongue and burning his lips so that he will never ever be able to open that filthy mouth of his and kiss anyone." Yeosang said looking at Yunho, all of them waiting for an answer.

Kevin gasped in horror after listening to them and was ready to scream, when Jongho covered his mouth tightly, barely letting him breathe.

"It's your call Yunho." Seonghwa spoke with calmness in his voice. Yunho stared at Kevin who was now crying, desperately asking to spare him.

"This bastard deserves all of them." He spoke coldly, hearing which the other three boys had a huge smile on their faces. "After that don't kill him. Let him suffer here. Let him rot to death." Yunho continued looking at Seonghwa for approval at which he nodded.

"Alright hyung! As you say! We'll start now. Yeosang... please get the rods and inform the boys." Wooyoung said excitedly. As the others left silently.



Martin paced back and forth impatiently in the room, waiting for the person who had called him suddenly.

"There you are boy! Punctual as usual." Kai said smiling as Baekhyun and Chanyeol followed him into the room.

"Look man, I have somet-" Martin started but was immediately cut off by Baekhyun.

"Boss is most likely coming to this city after 10 days. He'll be pleased that we have a loyal member like you." Martin stopped speaking after what he just heard. He stared at them for few seconds and finally spoke, "Uhm...I have something to say...I-I can't do this anymore man." He threw up his hands in the air and shrugged.

A look of betrayal plastered on Kai's face. "What do you mean Martin?? Why?" he pressed as he waited for an answer.

"I-I just want to quit from this lifestyle. That's it." He repeated, every sentence of his making Chanyeol angrier. "You can't. Once you're in, you can't go out now." Baekhyun replied with a poker face.

"Hey hey listen. I agreed to be a part of your gang because I needed instant money that time. Not anymore though... I'm in love with this girl called Meghan and I don't want her to know anything about this. I want to start a new life with her, clean life." Martin confessed, staring out of the window.

"Do you think we give any shit about your little love story? Tch. I'll forgive you this one time but don't think about leaving next time, okay? And the boss is coming soon and he wants to meet you." Chanyeol finally spoke, a seriousness in his voice.

Martin looked at the three of them in disbelief and did not argue. He knew that if he spoke again, he will probably die. But he was determined. He wanted to get rid of the mess he was in and start a new life.

I'll just run away. Far away from this country with Meghan. They'll never even find me. I'll just tell everything to Sophie before I leave. I was wrong all along.
Martin decided in his head, already thinking about all the money he has saved until now.

Baekhyun noticed that Martin wasn't convinced. He looked at Kai who was now looking at him, with those same doubtful expressions on his face. They looked at Chanyeol who was glaring at Martin.

"Chanyeol." Kai spoke slowly as Chanyeol looked at him in response.

"He does not look convinced. Moreover, we have many more loyal kids. He's useless now." Kai spoke at which Martin let out a gasp.

"What do you mean by not convinced!? I didn't even say a word!" He started speaking.

"LIES." Baekhyun declared and nodded at Chanyeol.

Before Martin knew what was going to happen, he felt a sudden pang of burning sensation through his brain before everything blacked out forever. He collapsed on the floor, blood continuously flowing from his head.

Kai and Baekhyun turned to Chanyeol who was still in the same position, with the gun in his hand which was now heated from the shot.

"Don't feel bad for him Baekhyun. He deserved to die anyways. He was thinking of leaving this gang. What a brave kid honestly. I feel bad now." Kai patted Baekhyun's shoulder and left, having a final glance at the dead body lying on the floor.



Ugh. Too much violence in this chapter....

What do you feel about Martin tho? Was he good or bad according to you?

Also, sorry if this chapter did not give you those feels...I was experiencing a writer's block lately because I've never written a violent scene before.

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