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Yunho's pov:

I raced down the corridor as I was already late. "Fuck it. Why is this house so huge!?" I mumbled to myself finally reaching the meeting room. "I'm sorry, I'm late!" I spoke as I slammed open the door, everyone's eyes on me.

"It's okay. Come in. Good Morning." Seonghwa hyung smiled cheerfully, gesturing me to have a seat as the maid arranged the breakfast plate in front of me and left immediately.

My brows creased as I glanced at everyone. They all looked in a very happy mood...after days.

"What is it?" I turned to San who was smiling all by himself, his two dimples getting deeper. He gave me 'I didn't understand' look, taking a big slice of pie.

"What is this meeting for? There was supposed to be a meeting right?" I cleared myself as I looked at Hongjoong hyung expectantly.

"Oh, you were late. Right. Mingi, can you please repeat what you informed earlier?" he replied looking at Mingi who was smiling proudly. "Sure hyung." He answered as he shifted a bit in his chair to face me.

"I found her Yunho. I found Sophie." He said with the biggest smile on his face. My eyes widened at the mention of Sophie's name.

"Found her!? Where??" I asked impatiently, releasing a short sigh of relief now that I knew at least she was safe and alive.

"California. Her hometown." He answered taking a sip of his orange juice. "Man, I love orange juice." He continued as he stared at the glass.

A flashback of Sophie mentioning California came in front of my eyes as I realized how stupid I was to not think about it earlier. I rubbed my palms on my face, slightly embarrassed about letting this important information slip through my mind.

"But how did you come to know about her hometown?" I asked again.

"Oh. I asked Meghan." He replied casually. I was about to lash out as Seonghwa suddenly intervened, "Don't worry Yunho. He didn't contact her directly. Meghan has no idea about anything."

"Of course! I have my own ways hyung. I did not involve her." Mingi assured as I finally hushed out a sigh of relief.

"So she was at her mom's place, enjoying holidays and we were worried about her for no reason." I declared, half smiling at how foolishly we act sometimes, making small matters seem worse.

"No hyung. First of all, only you were worried about her. We were worried that she might spill about us to Costras. And second thing, Mingi just found out where is she. We don't know what is she doing there." Yeosang interrupted with a frown, in his usual grumpy mood. He has changed a lot since he has met Sophie and that worried me.

I ignored him and looked at Mingi who shot me a sheepish smile.

"Ah right..about that- I don't have any contacts in California to confirm that'll take a while to find out why she went there suddenly." He beamed, trying his best to look innocent. I shook my head hopelessly.

"Let us know for sure if you get any information. But for now, I can say we're safe from Costras at least." Hongjoong smiled as Jongho nodded his head agreeing.

"We're safe. We just have to wait some more days." He added.

"! I want to roam the city like usual!" Wooyoung whined as Seonghwa silenced him immediately before he could continue his whining.

"Just few more days Wooyoungie! We can't leave this house for a while now! You know why."

"B-But... I'm strong enough to protect myself!" he pouted, pulling out his switchblade and holding it up high above his head. "I even got my own switchblade now!" he waved it in the air, showing it off.

"Ahhh, wooyoungie~...stop behaving like a child! Look at Jongho... he behaves more maturely!" Yeosang laughed as Wooyoung frowned, all of us laughing at him.

"Watch and learn hyung." Jongho smirked as he teased Wooyoung.

"But seriously. I'm bored too. I want to go into the city." San took Wooyoung's side as all of us agreed. Staying home in the fear that the Costras might know where we are was boring but if we are together, no one can hurt us for sure.

As all of us were indulged in chatting, we heard a small knock on the door of the room. Hongjoong furrowed his brows, half annoyed.

"Who is it?" he raised his voice. "It's me master. It's kind of urgent." Jessica, our maid replied from the other side of the door.

"I told you, no disturbance during the meeting." He replied, his voice already sounding irritated.

"It's urgent sir. I'm sorry, but it's really urgent." She answered, as all of us glanced at each other, surprised. Our maids knew the rules about 'not disturbing during a meeting' very well, but she sounded like there was an emergency.

A trouble. 



Hey guys! How have you been? Hope y'all are safe! Please take care of yourself and stay home!
All this is getting worse day by day but let's not lose hope, okay?

Listen to Ateez's Better to calm down, it helps I promise :)

Also, don't forget to wash hands as Ateez has taught us, way before this pandemic even occurred.

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