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Third person pov:

"What is it Mingi?" Seonghwa asked sitting down on his chair. The other seven sat down too, looking at the red haired boy whose face was perplexed. "My men just informed me. Martin is dead." Mingi replied, soon making the room full of murmurs.

"Who killed him?" Hongjoong asked as everyone fell silent once again. Mingi hesitated, a look of fear in his eyes. He glanced at Hongjoong and shook his head gently so that no one noticed. Hongjoong immediately understood and cleared his throat. "It's the Costras again, right Mingi?"

"Yes." Mingi gave a short reply.

"So that means the Costras are in the city." San said suddenly, gritting his teeth. "Not really. The boss isn't here yet but his men are." Mingi cleared.

"Yeah. It's been many weeks that his men are here. They even attacked me at the theatre." Yunho said as he remembered the day of the movie. That night was chaos. Things had gone too far since that night.

"You guys don't worry about them. We're stronger than them." Hongjoong spoke, confidence in his voice.

"What about Sophie? How is she?" Wooyoung asked suddenly, looking at Yunho. "She's getting better but the doctor said she needs to rest a bit more before leaving." He answered, sadness growing over him as he knew she had to leave someday.

"And about the incident? Does she remember?"

"Very few things. She still has no idea about Kevin and what were his intentions." Yunho replied.

"Good. Let it remain that way. She will get even more stressed if she finds out." Seonghwa calmly said.

"One more update. Kevin is dead too. Should we dump the body in the usual place hyung?" Yeosang looked at Seonghwa who nodded in agreement.

"What? That fucker died so soon? What a weakling!" Jongho let out a small smirk and tried to control his laughter. "Haha, he couldn't even bear the torture." Yeosang added as he joined in the laughter.

"But I heard his parents are into politics and they're searching him like crazy. Do you think they'll reach us?" San asked, a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry Sannie. I've taken care of that. No one will ever find out what happened to him. For the world, Kevin just suddenly vanished from this country." Hongjoong grinned as he spoke, making the other members smile too.



Y'all...Hi again! It feels good to be back but I'm guilty at the same time for not posting for so long...
As I said in my message board, I can't write without a laptop and since I was staying in college for over a week, I had no laptop with me. Also, it was our cultural fest so I really didn't have time to write anything. Anyways, now everything is over so I'll try to update asap! Thank you so much for staying!❤️

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