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Yunho's pov:

"So...Ahem. Everyone, sit down quietly and think before speaking. We all need to take a decision in unison." Hongjoong said while closing the door behind him.
Everyone seated silently, not saying a word. Everyone looked as shocked as I was, not knowing what the hell is actually going on.

"Why!? Why does she want to join us?" Yeosang spoke suddenly grabbing everyone's attention.

"Didn't she just explain everything just now hyung?" Mingi replied sarcastically.

"I know Mingi. But why 'us'? Why didn't she just go to police?" Yeosang looked at Mingi who fell silent after hearing his question.

"He does have a point. Even the police know about the crimes the Costras have committed. So then, Why us?" Jongho agreed with Yeosang.

"According to me, there are two reasons why she came to us for help." Seonghwa hyung finally spoke as everyone turned towards him expectantly.

"What are they hyung?" Wooyoung asked impatiently.

"One is, she exactly knows how many crimes the Costras have committed and she is also knows that police can never go against them. They are too powerful. In fact, even we know that few police officers work for them." He answered.

"Ahhh..I get it. Damn, she's smart. She knows police can't do shit if it involves a powerful family." Wooyoung concluded as Seonghwa nodded his head.

"And what is the other reason hyung?"

"That she's not here for just help. She isn't just sad... she's angry. I felt her rage even by just looking in her eyes. She desperately wants to avenge her mother, isn't it Yunho?" Seonghwa suddenly looked at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Huh? What?" I asked cluelessly after being mentioned suddenly.

"Sophie. You know her well right? Better than us of course. You must've noticed how much anger has bottled up inside her right?" he continued as I nodded in agreement.

I did feel that. She was in pain but that pain had been turned into anger after she met her uncle.

"Yes, she is sad but more than that, she's pissed. She came here with an intention to join us and take revenge. After all, we are her enemies' enemy." I spoke and turned towards Hongjoong who was patiently listening to everyone.

"I felt that too. And, she's not lying or hiding anything. I assure you. You know I'm never wrong about analyzing people." San added as everyone once again fell silent, totally lost in their own thoughts.

Hongjoong let out a short sigh. The atmosphere was pretty tense. After all, this decision was big one and it could either help us or destroy us.

"Okay, we have kept her waiting. Hurry up everyone, anyone has anything else to say?" he asked scanning through the room. Everyone shook their head.

"Okay then, five more minutes, decide whether we want her in or not. We'll take votes. And, I want reasons." He stayed in the same position as everyone started thinking again.

I thought too.

Yes, I'll vote yes.

"Who all say yes?"

Wooyoung, I, Mingi and San raised their hands immediately. I glared at Yeosang. I already knew he won't vote for yes. He was just being unreasonable, right from the start and hated her... for god knows what reason.

What shocked me more was seeing Jongho's and Seonghwa's hands down.

Why? Why won't they vote yes?

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