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Sophie's pov:

I froze at the sight of Seonghwa standing in front of me. His face was expressionless and he was staring at me.

"I-I thought you were the one who told me never to show my face to you..." I stammered, occasionally glancing at the entrance door, hoping Meghan and Martin could hear me.

Too bad, I was on the stage and the door was far, and damn how could I forget that auditoriums has acoustic treatments.

"I wanted to talk."

Fuck, I should run before he hurts me.

"You can't go anywhere dear, unless I want you to leave." Seonghwa spoke, his voice firm and a small smirk on his face. It was as if he just read my mind.

"Huh? What?" I pretended that I didn't understand.

"Jongho and Wooyoung must've taken care of your friends by now. Don't worry, no one is going to help you." He said calmly. I gulped at these words. I was scared at the thought that Meghan and Martin were in danger right now. Because of me. I gathered a bit of courage and finally spoke.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked him, now standing a bit steadily. I knew he was bad, but something about him bugged me. He didn't look like he was here to hurt me. Well, who knows... Afterall, he was dangerous.

"Well, now that's like a good girl. Straight to business huh. Don't want to know how Yunho is? Don't you miss him?" he pursed his lips and shook his head dramatically. I frowned when he mentioned Yunho. Even though I had tried my best to get over, I honestly did miss him. I just never spoke about him anymore.

I decided not to respond to his stupid question and stayed silent.

"Fine, forget it. I'm here to talk to you about something. Yunho just told me that he spilled everything about us to you huh? That bastard needs to be punished for that." His brows burrowed and he folded his hands, waiting for my reply.

I was pretty much surprised that Yunho didn't tell him about this for so many days and now he finally told it. I nodded my head.

" Funny how he didn't tell you this sooner. I bet there is no trust between you guys haha" I smirked, making him angrier. I just wanted to piss him off. I just wanted to get back at him for all he did to me.

"Don't you dare talk about the trust among us brothers. We're loyal to each other bitch." he raged, but somehow looked distracted.

I sighed and frowned. I shouldn't have said that but it was impossible for me to control my emotions right now.
He shrugged as if he wanted to start the conversation once again.

"Anyway, back to my question. So you know a lot about us now,right?"

"Yes and what about that?" I spat, didn't even realizing I just said that aloud,again.

He cocked his head in a bit of surprise. "You still got guts after that? Wow, you sure are one of a kind." He almost laughed, making me angrier.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice louder this time. I had faced these kind of situations too many times at this point. I knew how to react at times like these.

"Well, that's exactly my problem. You know too much about us so....I don't want YOU." He abruptly pulled out a gun and pointed it at me, making me gasp in horror.

"I can't take risks. I need to protect my family." His eyes looked cold. Not even a bit of mercy was seen in them.

My hands were numb. My legs started shaking... I wanted to run. I didn't want to die yet.

"I-I swear I won't tell anyone about you. I'll pretend that I don't even know you...but please leave me!" I begged, slowly tears welling up in my eyes. I knew he was serious. He was deadly, merciless and he wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

I pleaded several times. I could sense that he was slowly hesitating to shoot me. His face seemed more human now.

"What the fuck? No! Don't Seonghwa!" I heard a strong high pitched voice suddenly from my left. Seonghwa looked startled too. He looked in the direction of the voice, the tip of the gun still pointing at me.

Hongjoong , I recognized as he came almost running and grabbed the gun from Seonghwa's hand. I left out a small sigh of relief.

Atleast I didn't die.

"What are doing here Hongjoong??" Seonghwa spat, anger filled in his voice. Hongjoong looked rather calm even in this situation. He tucked the gun in his own back pocket and looked at me with emotionless eyes.

"You just can't shoot innocent people for your safety. I knew you were up to something so I followed you. Thank god I was on time."

"Innocent?" Seonghwa scoffed.

"After everything she's involved in, you still think she's innocent?"

"Did you even listen to the whole thing Yunho said hyung? NO. You were pissed and so you just walked out yesterday without even listening to what he was saying." Hongjoong was staring at Seonghwa, both of them furious and forgot I was standing right here.

After a short quarrel between the brothers, Seonghwa left, stamping the wooden floor of the stage furiously.

Hongjoong saw him leaving and left out a tired sigh. He finally turned to me.

"You must be innocent and I believe you will never spill about us to anyone but you still are our enemy Sophie. Just stay away from all of us if you don't want to die." He stated plainly. This angered me. I never wanted to get involved in the first place.

"It was not me who called him. It was he who wanted to meet me. I have no interest in whatever the fuck you brothers do." I blurted out. I suddenly realized what I just said and gulped, praying he would just let me go as soon as possible.

"Oh? Did you just talk back? Cute." He cocked his head and smirked.

Just what is it with these guys. I said in my mind.

"But watch your language next time. I'm nice so I'm letting you go." He turned and swiftly walked away, leaving me alone on the empty stage.



Hey guys! First of all, almost 1K reads? Wow! Thanks a lot for the support you guys are giving to this book!! Please keep voting and commenting.... It feels nice to read comments♥️

Second thing is, sorry for updating irregularly and late... I seriously don't wanna be that type of author who is lazy and rarely updates but then gives excuses and reasons but I'm sorry, I'm an exol and the recent things going on with Chen and all the stuff lately about his marriage is making me scared and sad, not to mention, the situation is getting out of hand so I really had no inspiration to write lately//

Ik, this feels like I'm always complaining but I swear, once all this chaos cools down and my mind is calmer, I'll try to update more regularly.

(Really sorry....ik cliffhangers are illegal hehe)

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