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Third Person pov:

A few weeks passed by. Sophie was back to her regular routine – College, Assignments, Hanging out with Meghan and so on. She had already missed a lot of submissions and lectures for the past few weeks and had to catch up quickly.

"Where were you Sophie? What's wrong? You were absent often last month." Mrs. Smith asked her, a worried look on her face.

Sophie was one of her favorite students and she had never expected such a poor academic performance from her. Sophie smiled, assuring her lecturer that she'll be back on track soon.

"But why were you gone?"

"I was just having a viral fever which didn't go away for a long time. Don't worry Mrs. Smith, I'm alright now and I'll be regular from now on." Sophie answered, handing her portfolio.

"Alright. I trust you. Take good care of yourself Sophie." She smiled back.


Sophie's phone beeped, indicating she had received a message from an unknown number. She opened it unwillingly, praying that it didn't have anything to do with Yunho and his family.

Unknown number:
Meet me in the auditorium after the lecture. I have something to say to you Sophie. And come alone.

She read the message and gulped.

Who was this person? And what did they want?

She showed the message to Meghan.
"I think we should meet this person to find out. Let's ask Martin to come with us." She suggested at which Sophie nodded. Martin was one of their classmates who usually hung out with Sophie and Meghan. He was an amazing athlete and a very helpful classmate.


Sophie's pov:

"Who do you think it is Sophie?" Martin asked almost sprinting through the corridor with the other two girls.

"Hey, slow down TinTin!" Meghan tried to catch up, almost out of breath.

"Hey! Don't call me that! It's not funny!" Martin scowled at which we both laughed.

"We'll find out soon who it is." I replied speeding up.

Finally, we reached the auditorium. We all were out of breath as it was located in the opposite wing of our huge campus.

"I'll go in alone. Just stay close by." I whispered to Meghan and she nodded in approval. Martin and Meghan decided to to stay just right outside the main door, in case something happened.

I slowly opened the heavy door of the auditorium and peeped in. As expected the hall was empty, hardly any light entering in. I gulped and entered carefully, not know what will happen.

As soon as I closed the door, I went up on the stage to take a clearer view. The stage was dimly lit, just few of the lights on. All the chairs were empty, not even a single sign of anyone being present there.

Just then, I heard a rustling sound behind me, coming from the backstage.

"I knew you would bring someone with you Soph. Don't worry, it's just me."

I turned back to find the person to which the familiar voice belonged to.

My eyes widened at the sight of the person who stood in front of me.

His face showed no fear, nor anger, nor hatred. Nothing but confusion.

"Oh? You look scared...Are you scared of me? Please don't. I'm just here to talk." He said swinging his arms as if he didn't understand why I was scared to death right now.



I'm so sorry that my writing is getting shittier everyday -
I swear, I'm trying to improve.

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