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Third Person pov:

Sophie woke up from her slumber as her phone buzzed which was lying along the bed. Yunho had given back her phone just the night before. Meghan's name flashed on the screen.

"Hello?" Sophie spoke, tiredness in her voice.

"Sophie! Finally, you picked up! Where are you!? I mean I know you are with a friend but it's been two fucking days now and you still haven't told me about this friend of yours." Meghan spoke hurriedly.

"Meghan...not again. I said I'm with an old friend who you don't know about. I'm fine, okay?" Sophie replied with a sigh.

"Sophie." Meghan said dryly. "Look, I want to talk to you about many things. Don't hang up on me once again, please." She continued. Sophie huffed out a sigh as she replied with a short "go on."

"I don't know what's going on Soph. You are staying somewhere with someone you won't tell. I just don't understand. And Kevin isn't answering my calls either. I would've directly asked him where he dropped you but...aah never mind. Also, you did not tell me how are you feeling? Are you alright? We haven't spoken for two whole days Soph. And the last time I saw you, you were on the verge of passing out." She stopped speaking for Sophie to say something.

Sophie was shocked when she heard Kevin's name.

"What do you mean Kevin?? What does he have to do with me? I don't remember anything Megs!"

"Wait, What? Don't you remember what happened on your birthday?"

"Ummm...No. All I know is, I came here to my friend's place and am resting here because I feel sick. My head hurts a lot though."

"Soph, you got so drunk that day that you were almost passing out. So Kevin insisted that he will drop you home safely. Since then, I didn't hear from you, nor Kevin. After trying to call you for almost thousand times, you finally switched your phone on and now we're talking." She stayed silent.

Sophie was shocked after hearing all this. She had no idea what all had happened.

"I-I don't remember this Megs... I have no idea where Kevin is." She spoke softly.

"It's okay Soph. Don't worry about that. I'll ask him when I get to meet him. You take good rest sweetie. But something is wrong Soph. I can just feel it."

"What do you mean Megs?" Sophie waited for Meghan to reply.

"Even Martin is not answering his calls. His phone is switched off for almost two days, just like Kevin's. Kevin hasn't returned home, nor do his other friends know anything about him. His parents are searching for him like crazy. And as for Martin, I called almost all his friends I knew. He's nowhere to be found." Meghan's voice cracked as she spoke.

Both of them fell silent for a long time. Both of them knew something was wrong. Something was really wrong.

"Don't worry Megs. They'll be alright. I-I have to go. Take care Megs, Martin will come back for sure." Sophie spoke silently as her head started getting clouded with thoughts.

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