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Sophie's pov:

We ran through the corridor and started running downstairs through the fire exit staircase. I was struggling to catch up as he was too fast.

We both stopped abruptly at the sound of two loud gunshots. Yunho looked at me alarmingly.

"Soph, I-I think I need to go. I need to help Felice." He looked at the upper floor and gulped. I simply nodded my head, praying Felice was fine and the sound of the gunshot was not for him.

He handed me the car keys, "Go home and lock your doors, windows safely. I'll come as soon as I can."

I shook my head. I did not want to leave him behind. Even though I knew he was involved in some illegal shit, I wanted to know what was happening exactly. I wanted him to be safe.

He frowned. "Just go Soph, just be quick and cautious...I hope none of their members are downstairs. Just watch out"

"I don't want to leave you both behind. What if something happens to you?"

"Quick Soph, I don't have time" he raised his voice at which I flinched. He had never spoken to me like that. I frowned. I snatched the keys from his hands and started running downstairs.

"I'm sorry Soph. I'll be right back very soon" I heard him say.

Thankfully, I did not encounter anyone on the way. I jumped into the driver seat and started the engine immediately. I had to get out of this place as quickly as possible.

I pressed the accelerator harshly and sped to the exit. My head was spinning from all the incidents. I was thinking about Felice and Yunho.

"I hope they are fine" I said to myself.

After a few minutes, when I felt a bit safe and calmed down, I pulled over to the side of the road. Turning off the engine, I grabbed the steering wheel and rested my head on it. I had never imagined something like this would ever happen. I had so many questions.

My head started spinning. I wanted to know who they are. I wanted to know everything.

Just when I was resting, I saw two bright car headlights through the mirror. The car looked like an SUV. It was at a distance, pretty far away from mine. It was still, just with its lights on.

I instantly understood and once again sped off, constantly checking whether it was following me or not. Not surprisingly, it did follow me. But soon I was able to lose them behind as I knew way too many shortcuts.

I left the car in my apartment's parking lot and ran all the way to my floor, not even daring to glance behind me.

I shut my door and locked it, making sure I locked all the safety locks too. I tightly shut all my windows and closed the curtains.

I was now finally able to breathe again. My heart was still racing from all that constant sprinting.

I sat on the couch blankly staring at the wall. I was waiting for the follower to come and knock at my door, but thankfully no one came.

I waited for almost thirty minutes in silence, with all the lights off. I was too scared to do anything. Too scared to even move now that I knew I was being followed.

I looked at the wall clock. It was almost 2am by now. I grabbed my phone and checked for messages from Yunho. There were none.

Should I call him? No, what if he gets in trouble because of me?
But what if he's already in trouble and needs help?

I clutched my hair. My mind was clouded with way too many things.

Finally, I decided to stay silent and wait for Yunho to contact me. All I wanted to hear was that he and Felice are safe.

I turned on the lamp and gulped down a bottle of water, pacing back and forth, just waiting for any contact with Yunho.

I glanced at the door several times as if he was just going to walk through it.
Bad thoughts were coming to my mind. I tried to ignore them.

I was constantly peeping through the window, trying to find any sign of the stalker from before. There was nothing but pure silence everywhere.

After waiting for almost 60 more minutes, my phone buzzed.


I immediately picked it up.
"Hello? Where are you?" my voice cracked.
"Open the door Soph" he said, his voice cold and dull.



Random, but boy, I love Hongjoong so much. The cover he released recently.
Hongjoong my sweet vocalist ❤️✌️:)

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