Dinner With A Fox!

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"Outsider...? Are you awake?"

My eyes slowly-
I woke up once again with a severe headache, and this one was a doozy. I groaned once again before opening my eyes. I found myself in a bed, and not on the floor. I looked around for my emergency flask. But... it was gone!

jingle, jingle!

My eyes darted to my right. There, I saw a small girl with blonde hair and golden eyes. In her right hand, she held my flask. The jingle was from the Tatsumaki keychain I had on it.
"Uhhhhhhhhh... hi." I greeted. "Can I have that back?"
The girl was standing over my bed, so she quickly handed me the flask. She then fell to her knees, and spoke.
"I... I'm sorry for attacking you. It was not right for me to do that. I hope you can please forgive me."
I shrugged and took a swig of my whiskey.
"It's fine. Also, why did you attack me in the first place?" I asked. "Was it because I vomitted on that statue? Was it sacred or something!?"
I was a little afraid that I had offended a god or something, but, once the girl shook her head, I was relieved.
"You see... a band of human miscreants came to Kyoto and kidnapped my mother." She explained. "I... I thought you had come to take me. I wasn't thinking when I had my people attack you, and I apologize for that. I'm the only one left to command my people..."
Oh, now I feel like the asshole. She was just being cautious. I stumbled into her territory in a drunken state, and comatized some of her comrades. Not only that... But I vomited on a, possible, sacred statue.
Fuuuuuuuuuck meeeeeeeeee.
"It's alright.... I've made a lot of bad choices when I was scared or stressed." I assured. "No hard feelings. Also, how do you know that I'm not a threat? I promise you, I'm not. But... how did you know?"
She then handed me my wallet.
"After you passed out, I inspected your wallet and saw your I.D. You really are F/N L/N, the Pure Devil!" She stated.
She sounded like a fangirl who just met her idol.
"Um... yeah, who else would I be?" I answered.
Her eyes went bright and were now filled with excitement. She then donned a wide smile, and it was sooooooo cute. Like, Asia cute.
"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. L/N!" She exclaimed. "I've heard so many stories about you! Is it true you took on all ten of the Ten Commandments!?"
"Yeah. I did." I answered, and she... squealed.
Man, I've bever actually met a fan of mine. Well, it's not a good image for me if all my fans are little children. What am I, a minecraft youtuber? I think not.
"So-uh, where am I currently?" I asked
"This is my home!" She answered. "And-uh... this is m-my room."
Her face lit up a bright red once she said that. I was still a little tipsy so I wasn't as embarrassed as her. I began to look around the room and didn't see any alarming shit. In fact, the room was basically like mine except it had no alcohol bottles. One thing caught my eye though. On the table next to me, I saw an action figure. I didn't know girls liked action figures. Hell, it's 2018, they can like whatever they want. I snatched the figure off the table and got a better look at it.
It was... me?

It was an action figure of me in my balance breaker! When  the girl noticed what I had grabbed, she panicked

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It was an action figure of me in my balance breaker! When  the girl noticed what I had grabbed, she panicked.
"I-I can explain!" She exclaimed, and I chuckled.
"This is pretty cool. Did you make this?" I asked.
She blushed, but slowly nodded her head.
"It's excellent craftsmanship." I praised. "Look's just like me! I'm impressed! What's your name?"
"Uh-uh... my name is Kunou! I'm thirteen years old!"

Readers: *Glares*

Ghoulreader124: What!? The age of consent in Japan is Thirteen! Don't give me that look!

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Kunou! I hope we can be friends!" I smiled.
I extended a hand and she blushed at it. She hesitantly grabbed and shook it.


"You have a very lovely home

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"You have a very lovely home." I complemented.
I had fully sobered up, and Kunou asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. Of course, I agreed. Apparently, I had slept for over nine hours after passing out yesterday. Yeah, YESTERDAY. When I awoke here, it was about eleven at night. Now, it's midnight. Kunou had given me a tour of her home and showed me some pictures of her mother. I stayed in this home for two reasons. One: I haven't eaten anything in over twenty-four hours. Two: I... I didn't want to leave this girl alone. Even though she was around all types of Yokai 24:7, she seemed lonely. But, she was very bright since I had been here. So, I was gonna keep her company.
The doors the the room slid open, and two dog yokai walked in with silver trays. One of each placed one before Kunou and I. The yokai on Kunou's side, lifted the tray lid and revealed Yakitori, a delicious Japanese dish.
The yokai on my side lifted the tray lid revealing a small pepperoni pizza with a bottle of... oh my god.
"Is that... Tennessee Rye?" I asked, completely astonished.
"Yes! My mother had many bottles of this and I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Kunou explained.
I looked over at Kunou with teary eyes and mouthed "Thank you."
The yokai waiter grabbed the bottle and opened it. He poured some into a glass with ice in it. Once he was done, he and his other waiter buddy vanished from the room. I raised my glass, and so did Kunou. We clinked glasses.
I took a swig of my rye, and she took a sip of her chocolate milk. Kunou then spoke.
"So, what's it like living in Saitama?"
"Oh, it's awesome! The city is amazing and the liquor stores are open 24:7."
"That's another thing, how did you become an alcoholic at such a young age?"
"First off: I'm over two thousand years old. Second off: I only got into it because my girlfriend tricked me into drinking wine when I thought I was drinking Fruitopia."
"You do know there's a difference to their tastes, right?"
"I do now."


Rossweisse P.O.V
"YOU LOST HIM!?" I screamed.
"It's not my fault he walked off." Azazel stated. "Plus, if you hadn't broken up with him, he wouldn't have gotten lost, would he?"
"Tell him that, not me." He said.
Azazel and I were having a heated argument in F/N's room. Apparently, he had gotten drunk and vowed that he would "Never get married and have meaningless sex with women."
I have to find him and tell him that I love him! That I never stopped loving him! Azazel and  I have kept this between he, Serafall Leviathan, and I. Yes, Serafall dropped everything to come to Kyoto to help find F/N. Still, we've had no luck. We haven't told Xenovia or the other girls yet. We haven't told Arima and Charlotte yet either.
"Where could he have gone!?" I exclaimed.
"Well, I don't know!" Azazel shouted back. "I've checked half the bars in Kyoto, and Serafall is currently checking the other half! I even checked all the strip clubs... for several hours."
"We have to find him! We all know F/N is a sexual beast when he's drunk! He might be sexing up some random hussie right now!"
"Seriously? Sexing up?" Azazel repeated.
"You know what I mean! F/N's first time should be with someone  he loves! Not some random girl who means nothing to him!" I stated.
I fell onto F/N's bed and sighed.
I know I love him... does he? Right now, he doesn't. I thought he would know for sure I was just pretending. Maybe we're not communicating...
When I find him, I'm going to kiss him right then and there! Th-then... I'm gonna take him to my room.
I blushed at the lewd thought I was having.
I just hope F/N's okay.

Arima P.O.V
My sister, Charlotte, and I were sitting in our room. I was reading a book by Kugane Maruyama. While, Charlotte was reading Yuri on Ice.
"Have you seen F/N, lately?" I asked my sister.
"Oh, he went missing." Charlotte answered.
"WHAT!?" I exclaimed.
"Yep. Apparently, he thought Rossweisse broke up with him so he got drunk and vanished." She explained. "I overheard Rossweisse and Azazel talking about it."
I fell to the ground and began to cry at my failure of protecting my master. Charlotte simply rolled her eyes and was about to put her earbuds in, when there was a knock at the door.
"We don't want cookies, and we don't want to give money to charity." she said, opening the door.
On the other side, was Aika!
"Oh... what the hell do you want?" She asked.
"I wanna talk to you and your brother." Aika answered. "It's about F/N..."

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