Dragon Vs. Dragon (Part 3)

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I released a bloodcurdling scream of pain as I stared down at Xenovia's lifeless body. I had killed her with a single punch, her blood drenched my shaking armored fist. Asia screamed in terror and pain as she watched more and more blood pour from Xenovia's body. The rest of the Gremory peerage was in an absolute state of shock, all but Issei. His anger transformed into power, and that power increased every second he saw me alive.
"EXPLOSION!" Issei's Sacred Gear bellowed.
A blast of green demonic flew toward me and struck me dead in the chest, a massive explosion ignited where I stood. I flew back, my armor breaking into shards. I landed in a tumble and spat out some blood.
Issei slowly marched toward me with anger in his heart as I laid there, motionless.
I killed Xenovia... how could I do it so easily?! Even if she is fake, she looks so much like her! How could I just end her so simply?


I smiled to myself as Xenovia slept peacefully on my lap. She and I were in the living room, I had been watching TV and drinking whiskey out of a colored water bottle so nobody would notice the contents, when Xenovia jsut walked through the front door and planted herself on my lap. I was rubbing her head as she slept soundly and cutely in my lap, which caused my heart to warm. It had been two days since I had been freed from that... monster body I had when I killed Mitch Trinity, the Commandment of Love. It was thanks to Xenovia that I was able to get freed at all because she calmed me down. Her amber eyes cracked open, and when she saw that I hadn't left her from the moment she laid down, she smiled.
"How did you sleep?" I asked.
"Fine." She yawned. "Did you enjoy watching?"
"Not really, I don't have a sleep fetish." I chuckled. "So... do you wanna get off me?"
"No, I'm comfortable here." She replied. "Actually, would you like to sleep on my lap now?"
I blushed a bit at the thought, but I shook my head.
"I'm fine, I'm not very tired." I assured.
"You're lying." She said, a little frustrated. "Please, don't lie to me, F/N, I don't like it when you lie to me. I know you haven't slept since you last woke up a few days after being freed."
I frowned, a little ashamed. She had caught me in a lie, but it's not like she was trying to make me feel shitty, she was just concerned for me.
"Why haven't you been sleeping?" She asked.
"I... I tried. I keep having nightmares about... well, everything." I stated. "I have to fight my siblings, and I have to fight a whole team of highly powered Fallen Angels that I can fight alone, at the cost of losing myself and killing anything that crosses my path. I'm afraid of all that... but there's one thing that scares me more than anything, and that's myself..."
"You're afraid... of yourself?" Xenovia asked.
"Of course. There's still so much I don't know about myself. Why was I created? Who created me? What other secret powers do I have? Is Astral really gone, or is he somewhere inside me? Who... who am I?" I explained. "I'm afraid of what I'll do to the others, to the people I love, to you..."
A bright smile formed on my face as a tear rolled down it.
"But... I guess that's life for me." I said.
Xenovia got off me. She grabbed my head and forced it down on her lap, a small gasp escaped my lips. I looked up at her with a surprised, and she smiled at me.
"Don't be afraid of yourself, F/N." Xenovia said, rubbing my head. "We've all done things that make us question ourselves and who we are as people. You're not a monster, you're F/N L/N, the Pure Devil and the father of our future children."
"But... how do you know?" I asked. "What if I do something terrible to one of you when I lose control? I couldn't--!"
"Exactly, you couldn't. You could've killed me when you were in that monstrous state, but you didn't. F/N, you can't kill any of us, that's your one weakness and you should be happy to have it." Xenovia stated. "That's the same for me. You are my weakness. I could never kill you, even if you turned evil, I just... I could never harm you."
She smiled at me.
"Go to sleep, F/N... I'll be here when you wake up."

Flashback End

"She.... she would never hurt me..." I concluded.
That was it... I could never kill Xenovia, and she could never kill me. I killed this worlds Xenovia because.... she's not Xenovia. The Xenovia I know would never hurt me, and I would never hurt her. That's why I killed this worlds Xenovia so easily. Because she's not Xenovia, she's not the future mother of my children!
Holy shit... did I just think of that without blushing? Yeah, I did! Because it's true, God Damn it!
My body was once again covered head-to-toe in armor. I rose back up from the ground and stared at Fake Issei, and I smirked beneath my helmet.
"It's a shame you're not real. I would've liked to kill you in real life, well, I guess I kinda did." I chuckled.
Before Fake Issei could blast me again, I sent a deadly blow to his head, shattering the armor that protected it. He slid back with a broken nose as my smirk turned into a grin.
They're all waiting for me, and I won't keep them any longer. Both the fake and Real versions of my friends...
This... was gonna be a bloodbath.
Fake Koneko charged me and sent another kick my way, but I grabbed it and threw her high in the air.
"Sorry, Overwhelming Khaos!"
I threw a ball of khaos her way, and blood rained down as her body exploded.
I was the villain in this world, and I was gonna play my role. I marched forward as Fake Kiba rushed me. I caught his sword and took it from him. I stabbed him right through the chest with it, and blood sprayed from his mouth as I pushed his body to the ground.
"YOU MONSTER!" Fake Akeno screamed, sending multiple bolts of lightning my way.
"Believe it or not, but you're not the first person to call me that, Fake Akeno." I said, letting the bolts strike my armor.
These things aren't real, so killing them... means absolutely nothing to me.
I appeared in a flash before Akeno, and she released a scream of terror as I grabbed her by the head, raised her, and squeezed.
"Whoops, I forgot. you're a sadist, not a masochist. You won't enjoy this then." I stated.
Her head popped like a balloon in my hand, and blood splattered onto my armor.

They're not real, F/N.

I blasted Fake Rossweisse with magical slashes that hit her from a distance, killing her instantly.

Gabriel made this hell of a world, along with everyone in it.

With one mighty punch, Fake Rias died a bloody and miserable death.

Your friends are waiting for you... you have to see them again.

Fake Gasper tried to stop time, but I grabbed him by the shoulders and kneed him across the face, snapping his neck.

These fakes... they all have to die so you can prosper.

Fake Asia stepped between me and the coughing up blood Fake Issei.

That is the way! You are khaotic, you follow the path that you believe in and ruin the paths of others! You are khaos!

Asia's corpse hit the ground, and I continued forward toward Issei.
"Hm... maybe Astral isn't so far gone after all." I said to myself.
Fake Issei screamed in pain when he realized that all his fake friends had died, and that he was now next. I removed my helmet and met eyes with fake Issei, and I smiled sweetly at him.
"Join the fakes, okay?"
With one mighty kick, Fake Issei's head flew through the air like a soccer-ball kicked by the best soccer player. Blood stained the ground around me, and I took one final look at my sins.
"I'm the monster in this world, that's for sure." I sighed.
I looked behind me and saw Saji running toward me.
"Hey, Saji, you okay?" I asked.
"Are you!? You just killed this world's versions of all your friends!" He exclaimed.
"I know... but..."
Ahead of me, I watched a tear by made in reality itself. On the other side of the tear... was Kyoto, the real Kyoto.
"I'll get over it." I finished.

Ghoulreader124: Pretty dark, right?

Reader one: That was edgy as fuck.

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