Dragon Vs. Dragon (Part 1)

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"Wait... are you the dragon inside my Sacred Gear?!" I exclaimed.
He nodded his head.
"That is correct. It's nice to finally meet you, partner." He greeted. "As I said before; we have much to talk about."
"Um.... okay..... what about?" I asked.
This is so crazy! It's been four volumes and I've barely even talked to the dragon within me! I almost forgot he was even here with me! Wait.... doesn't that mean he was there when Rossweisse and I... oh my god.
"What we have to talk about is you. I've watched how much you've grown in the past year. I must say that I'm impressed." Darkclaw complimented. "Still, you can grow a lot more with my help."
That really got my attention.
"Really!? How can we do that!?" I exclaimed, eager to grow stronger.
Maybe I could find a way out of this nightmare with Darkclaw's help! Maybe I have to break through a barrier or something to get out of this twisted world!
He chuckled lightly at my determination.
"Well, you have a lot of potential but said potential is locked away for now until you're ready for it." He explained. "This world was built for you to unlock your potential.... so getting out and getting stronger all depends on you KILLING Issei Hyoudou."
"What!? What are you talking about!?" I yelled.
"Don't lie to me, F/N. You've done a lot of things you regret, but your biggest regret is killing Issei Hyoudou. I don't understand why that's your biggest regret because personally... I think he's a perverted asshole." Darkclaw stated. "Now... you will kill the boy or you and that Saji boy will be trapped in this world forever. Then, you'll never see your loved ones ever again... or, at least, you'll never see the versions of your loved ones who actually love you..."

"F/N......? F/N.......? F/N!"

My eyes shot open. I began to pant loudly as my eyes darted around my surroundings. I was back in Rossweisse's apartment, where Saji and Rossweisse were looking at me with concern and worry on their faces.
"Are you okay, F/N?" Rossweisse asked.
"Ye-yeah... I'm fine. Saji, we're going." I stated.
I stood up from the couch and placed the book on the coffee table. I headed for the front door and threw it open, I stormed out as Saji made haste after me. He saw that I was frustrated so he kept his mouth shut about it.


Night had fallen. Saji and I stood outside of Issei's house. I had my Sacred Gear equipped along with a plan in my mind. I was just gonna knock on the door and... and blow his head off using Khaos magic. This was a simple task... it's not like he's real, right?


Me and Saji's eyes widened at the yell. It was... Asia! We rushed over to the window that allowed us a peek into the living room. There, we saw Asia pinching Issei's face as she tried to pull him from under Irina and Xenovia, who were... butt naked.
I then tackled Saji and forced him to the ground. He cursed me out but I didn't care because I wasn't gonna let him peek on the women I love. I kept peeking through with blushing cheeks. I wasn't looking to be perverted, I was looking to see what would happen next. The window was partially open so I was able to hear what was being said.
"Asia, stop it! Irina and I were just trying to procreate with Issei!" Xenovia snapped.
"We-well, If you two are doing that! Then I wanna do that, too!" Asia cried, and she began to undress.
My eyes filled with utter horror as I watched what was about to go down. I could've stopped it... but I couldn't. This entire world was based off the past... so I need to know if Asia, Xenovia, and Irina actually slept with that bastard.
The past is the past...
But if they slept with that fucking monster... I'm done with this relationship.


My eyes focused back on the scene in the house. Rias Gremory had walked in on what was unfolding and she was PISSED. Her arms were crossed and her hair was glowing bright red.
"...... nothing." The Church Trio said.
The three obliged and got off of the perverted fuck. They all walked upstairs as Rias watched them. A smirk came to her face as she turned back to Issei.
"Issei... how about we-?!"
She was cut off from the snoring coming from Issei. He had already fallen asleep with a bloody nose.
Rias released a sigh and I saw the sadness that was on her face. She looked... really unhappy. As if this wasn't the first time this has happened. She exited the room by walking up the same staircase as the Church Trio. I had never seen Rias so upset before, so this moment in time really did happen...?
I had then decided that tonight was not the night to kill Issei... the girls were in the house and they would hear it. Even if they were fake... I didn't want them to look at me as if I were some monster taking away the man they loved.


"Hey-uh... Issei?" I said.
I was currently at school and in front of Issei. The bell had gone off and I snagged Issei before he could go home.
"Yeah, what's up, F/N?" He replied.
"Ri-Rias needs you at the OR-OR-ORC building. Something about.... 'private time?" I slurred my answer.
The dirty perv released a pervy grin as blood poured from his nose.
"Okay! Thanks for telling me, F/N! Woo-hoo!" Issei cheered.
He began to sprint off to the ORC building and I did my best to follow him without being seen. I had a plan that would finish off this entire shit show and that motherfucker Issei.
He was going to wander into the ORC building... and I was going to blow it to hell. Sure, killing him like that would be cruel... but the motherfucker thinks that sleeping with Xenovia, MY Xenovia, is the best way to get rid of her.
I... I was pretty drunk at the time. Me and Mr. Jack Daniels had a chat that lasted about... three bottles. Why I'm not dead is strange to me...
I took a swig of a bottle of jack as I equipped my Sacred Gear. I watched Issei run into the ORC building with a grin on his face. I then grinned as I opened my palm.
"Ball of Khaos!"
A purple ball formed at the end of my palm and I launched it right at the building.


The damn thing exploded to smithereens as I laughed like a mad man because my love rival had finally died and I could leave this fucking nightmare.
"Se-see, Darkclaw!? I did it! I fuc-fuckin' killed him!" I announced. "Now where's my fucking ticket home?!"
[You might wanna look back, F/N]
I obeyed Darkclaw's request and looked back towards the ORC building.
"MOTHERFUCKER!" I heard a voice yell.
"Oh, motherfucker." I cursed. "He survived that?"
I took a swig from my Jack Daniels as I watched something shoot out from the wreckage.

"He-hey, Issei! Are you sure you're not the Blue Dragon Emperor!? Because you're balls are always blue, motherfucker!" I yelled, taking yet another swig of my Jack Daniels

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"He-hey, Issei! Are you sure you're not the Blue Dragon Emperor!? Because you're balls are always blue, motherfucker!" I yelled, taking yet another swig of my Jack Daniels.
You're probably wondering why I was drunk. Think back to the last time I was SO angry at Issei, I was drunk and if it weren't for Saji I would've murdered him. So, taking that into account, I thought if I was drunk and Issei survived the blast... my anger would rise and I would demolish him.
Issei landed before me and growled at me.
"What the hell F/N?! Why did you do that!?" He yelled.
"Because I fucking hate you!" I yelled. "Xenovia... Irina... Asia... Akeno... Koneko... and Rias ALL deserve better than you! If you wanna be a perv, go ahead! But if all you're gonna see is their breasts instead of what actually makes them incredible... then you don't deserve them! DO YOU EVEN KNOW ANY OF THEIR FUCKING BIRTHDAYS!?"
My armor appeared on me in a flash. Issei and I stared at each other through our helmets. If Astral Grimwood could kill this son of a bitch...

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