Chapter 1: Trust and a Kiss

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Sophie woke up and walked downstairs to find a note on the table that Grady and Edaline had left. It said they were out to collect a special animal for the next two days. She got ready like usual and left for school. In the hall she passed by Keefe and Biana.

"Where are you headed Foster?" Keefe asked.

"Never mind him" Biana said pressing a hand to his chest. "Will you be coming over for base quest after school?"

"Sure" she said. Grady and Edaline
Were going to be gone for the next two days anyway, so might as well have some fun she thought. With that she headed off towards the U. She turned a corner and bumped into Fitz. Her head planted right into his chest and he grabbed her shoulders trying to steady himself.

"Hey there..." he said flashing his teal eyes

"Sorry" she said blushing.

"Will I see you after school for base quest?" He asked changing their encounter into a conversation

"Yeah I told Biana I would come" she replied.

He then seemed to realize he was still holding her and he slowly slid his hands back down to his sides and took a step back.

"See u then" and with that he gave an awkward smile and walked away.

Sophie went to her locker to put away some books, and turned to see Dex.

"Hey" he said looking glum

"What's is it?" Sophie asked noticing his mood.

"Its just you're off to hang out with Wonderboy, and it feels like we never hang out anymore"

"Dex" she said look him in the eyes, "how about you come over for breakfast tomorrow, Grady and Edaline are out and I could use the company."

"Ok" he said reluctantly. "You better have some mallowmelt" he said grinning.

"See you then" she replied smiling. He waved and left.

Later that day, Sophie leaped with Biana to the Vacker's. They played two rounds of base quest and afterwards Keefe had to go home and do some homework. While Biana went up to her room to work on a project, Sophie transmitted to Fitz, "Hey want to come over and help me with telepathy homework?"

"Sure" he transmitted back, "but it doesn't seem like you need it."

"I want to try something" she said and with That they lept to the Ruewens. She dropped of her bag and started walking upstairs.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Up to my room" she said. He followed her watching the swish of her cape trail up the steps. When they got there, she looked up again at Fitz.
"Ok Fitz I want you to see if you can enter my subconscious."

"Sophie, Tiergan said it's really a advanced and we already tried like-"

Sophie cut him off and put a finger in the air close to his face. He pushed it down "yes?" He asked.

"I was reading that I may be blocking you because it takes a strong sense of emotion or experience to trigger the barriers to go down." She relayed.

"What should I do" he asked.

"Maybe ask a question that would evoke an emotion?"

"Ok then," he thought. "Do you Sophie, like Keefe Sencen?"

She opened her eyes suddenly and looked at Fitz scowling.

He smirked, "What, it was an emotional question?" He looked up meeting her eyes, "you didn't answer the question..." he toyed.

"No," she said, "he's just a friend."

"So like me?" he asked shyly. She hesitated. After a quick moment, she regained herself and replied "y-yeah"

Sophie was so busy avoiding eye contact that she didn't notice a small smile spread across Fitz's face as he noticed her hesitation. He was always looking for signs that she might feel the same way that he did, but he was never able to be sure of her intentions.

"OK lets just try something else, this doesn't seem to be doing anything," she said changing the subject, "think of something deeper."

She closed her eyes again. Fitz just stared at her face. His eyes looked at her nose and her beautiful hair and wandered to her lips. She sat silently waiting. Fitz knew what he was going to do. He took a step closer. His head buzzed with nervous electricity as he dared approach her. He took a deep breath and leaned in closer to her face. He hesitated one last moment before he went for it. He gently closed the gap between their faces and pressed his lips against hers. Sophie open her eyes in surprise. She's closed them a second later savoring the flutter in her heart as he pressed closer. She was completely taken aback when, suddenly Fitz was in her mind. It had worked. she felt a warmth and feeling of wholeness. Fitz could feel all of her emotions as he entered her subconscious core. He felt the flutter in her heart, and the heat on her smooth cheeks as their lips broke apart. She exhaled loudly to face an equally flustered Fitz. She could see the excitement and energy in his eyes as they strayed back down to her lips.

"Did you feel that?" she said as he cut her off cupping her face in his hands. Her skin tingled where his fingers traced her skin. He pulled her in kissing her a second time. Her heart was beating a million times a minute. He pulled apart gently after a second, studying her face to see if she had liked that. She stared back into his teal eyes, his hands still holding her face. She leaned forward kissing him back, slow and passionately, reaching her arms up over his shoulders. She felt a smile spread across his lips. He was going to push further and kiss her once more but suddenly...

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