Chapter 30: Fitz got a knife

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Two days ago

After first period Keefe went to the bathroom. He was looking for Aaron. He caught him as he was going out.

"Hey," keefe said casually.

"Ayy Sencen, you back for more?"

"No that stuff wasn't that great...I um I'm looking for something to smoke."

"Yeah I've got you."

He pulled out a box of something similar to cigarettes. "Their mild, more of a chill thing than a whole trip."

"That's perfect, thanks" He said handing Aaron some bills. "Can I get a light?"

Aaron pulled out a lighter and lit the tip of the cigarette Keefe was holding. "Thanks,"

Keefe went into the bathroom stall and sat wistfully looking out the window. He let out the smoke watching it swirl upwards and dissipate into the air. He sighed. His nerves calmed and he smiled. This was exactly what he needed. He was still craving the Coke but this was helping. He inhaled deeply and his brain buzzed feeling heavy. He exhaled.

After a few minutes he put it out on the stall wall and flushed the butt down the toilet. He put the pack back in his bag and left for class.

The present day

Grady sat up. "But before you go, we need to lay down some ground rules."

Sophie sat down on the couch.

"So you and Fitz are....." he said hoping she would clarify what he was dealing with.

"In a relationship," she said.

He nodded and sat still for a minute in thought. Then he started talking. "Fitz is only allowed to come over when me and your mom know he's is going to be here. He's not allowed after 9:00 at night or before 8:00 in the morning. If ur in your room the door needs to be open. And you need to let us know when your going, before going to the Vacker's from now on.... and clothes need to stay on." He said referring to the other night when he found Fitz's clothes on the floor.

She blushed.

"And if u break these rules we'll limit the amount of time you are allowed to spend with him."

She let out a breath. She needed to be extremely careful.

"Ok," she said.


Fitz got home from school and went up to his room. After he got in he locked the door. He needed to deal with Alvar. He walked cautiously to the closet and pulled it open.

Alvar started yelling as soon as he opened the door.

"Fuck you! You fucking bitch you'll pay for this!" He snarled

He was clearly alive and Fitz was starting to regret not killing him before.

He looked to Fitz's hands and his face changed from rage to fear when he realized what Fitz was holding.

"Fitz you don't need to do this."

Fitz wasn't listening

"HELP!" He yelled towards Fitz's locked door.

Fitz walked forwards and tied a cloth around Alvar's mouth as he tried to pull away.

"Hhhmmmph!! HHMMM!"

"How does it feel to be silenced so no one can hear your screams?" Fitz said staring at Alvar with a look of hatred in his eyes. "It's what you did to Sophie."

Alvar's eyes were locked on the knife clenched in Fitz's right hand.

He stepped forward his hands shaking a little.

"You deserve this.." Fitz said. "You did this to yourself!" He said his voice quavering a tinge. As he stepped closer.

Alvar looked between Fitz and the door. Suddenly he was on his feet stumbling towards the door. Fitz quickly snapped out of it. He dropped the knife and ran at Alvar jumping on his back making him fall over.


Downstairs Biana heard a thud above her and she looked up startled the ceiling. After a minute she shrugged and went back to making the flower arrangements for dinner.


Alvar kicked Fitz off of him. Alvar was going to try and run but he knew he wouldn't get far tied up. He saw Fitz scrambling back towards the knife. He jumped on Fitz looping his tied arms over his head and pulling tight around Fitz's neck. He writhed trying to throw Alvar off of him. This wasn't going the way it was supposed too Fitz thought. As his vision was growing blurry Fitz stumbled backwards and slammed his back into a bookshelf making Alvar loosen his grip. Fitz slid out of his grasp and grabbed a geode bookend swiftly hitting Alvar over the head with it. He fell down onto the rug and twitched once before laying still.

Fitz stood panting. He rubbed his hands over his face. He started shaking. He set the bookend back on the shelf and slid down the wall into the floor. The world was spinning too fast.

"God what have I gotten into," he said aloud closing his eyes.

After a few minutes and deep breaths he felt less light headed. He stood up.

He picked up Alvar and dragged him into his bathroom. He opened the linen closet. He pulled away his coats to reveal an oak door built into the wall. He happened to have one of the only rooms in Everglen that still had access to the basement system from the original architecture. His 8 year old self would never have known what he would be using his discovery for 10 years later.

He walked downstairs through the door dragging Alvar along the stone floor. He set him on a wooden chair and tied him up properly this time. He went back out and locked the door. He pulled his coats back and shut the linen closet. Much more descreet. He quickly cleaned up his room from their scuffle. He took a deep breath and looked at the clock. Everyone would be coming over in an hour.


Sophie went into her room and packed an overnight bag. She had given her bodyguards the leaping crystals and they seemed pleased.

She went downstairs. It was time to go.

"Don't do anything stupid," Grady said scowling.

"Nevermind him, have a good time sweetie," Edaline said grabbing his arm.

He grumbled.

"Bye," she said. "I love you!" She said hugging them both.


This story is getting real interesting 😂. Bet u didn't think u would read about Fitz trying to murder Alvar in a Sophitz fanfic.

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