Chapter 8: "I like you too"

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"I have a trust plan that a lot of cognates use that I think you would both benefit from," Tiergan said handing them each a slip of paper. "Get your parents to sign these and you'll be excused from all of your other classes. Show up early tomorrow morning."

Fitz and Sophie took the slips of paper. 


Sophie left class running into Dex and Keefe in the hallway.

"Hey!" Dex called as she walked over. "Want to play base quest tomorrow after school?"

"I would love to....but I can't, I'm actually doing a 24 hour cognate training thing with Fitz tomorrow." She said.

Keefe walked over. "Wow, he must be good," he said sarcastically.

"God Keefe! " Sophie said rolling her eyes

"I'm just saying ever since your first night with Fitz, you can't seem to sleep on your own," he said jokingly but there was a tinge of annoyance behind his words.

"It's just circumstantial," She explained

Dex just watched the awkward tension in silence.

"If you spent one night with me...," Keefe said smiling, "you would not go back to Fitz."

"What's THAT supposed to mean??!," Dex added not liking the turn the conversation was taking.

"I might not have teal eyes, but I've got a nice behind none of you can deny it!!" Keefe said turning around and shaking his butt smirking. Dex face palmed.

"I'm gonna go eat lunch with the civilized people," Sophie said smiling and walking away.

When she got to the lunch table she sat down with Biana, Tam, Lihn, and Fitz.

"Keefe never stops does he?" Sophie said as she sat down next to Fitz.

Tam laughed, "nope, he does not."

"What did he do this time?," Fit's transmitted.

"Oh nothing, just bragging about his ass again.." Sophie transmitted.

Fitz choked on a chip.  "Again??!!"

"Want to clue us in on this convo?" Keefe said as he walked up sitting on the other side of Sophie.

"Its nothing," Fitz said laughing to himself.

Keefe seemed irritated. Sophie had noticed he was being really touchy about her and Fitz.
"I was going to tell Sophie that I got at least 2 inches on you." He blurted out.

Fitz gave a startled "excuse me!!?" Tam cholked on a carrot and Dex spit out his juice.

"Let's calm down the rivalry." Biana chimed in laughing.

Fitz had to have the last word. "Last time I checked im the only one who slept with Sophie like twice-"
"ooohh kayyy," Sophie said interrupting Fitz before he spilled all of the tea.

"Can we just have a normal lunch for once without Keefe bragging about his dick or his ass???" Tam asked.

Fitz chuckled. Did Keefe really brag about his ass that much?? He must not have been paying attention. He shrugged. With that they resumed a somewhat normal day

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