Chapter 15: "Sophie, you're bleeding!"

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"Is that a hickey?," Biana asked rather loudly.

"NO!" Sophie said quickly.

"It's a 'scrape'." Keefe added.


After they ate, Biana pulled Sophie aside when they were clearing their plates.

"Mk that is sooo a to explain?," she said boldly as soon as they were out of earshot of the boys.

"I didn't want u to find out this way...," Sophie said.

"Just start from the beginning," Biana said.

"I dunno he's ur brother isn't this kinda weird?" She said quietly.

"I'm not the one nailing him!" She said in explanation.

"BIANA! BE QUIET!! And I haven't done...that."

Just then Fitz walked over.

"I'll talk to u more about this later," Sophie said.


After school Sophie lept to Dex's.

She was greeted by Keefe who was sitting outside the front door tying his shoes.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," he said getting up.

"Sooo," he started, "you and Fitz seem close..."

"Yeah, I told him my secret."

"Wanna share?" He said jokingly.

"Nah" she said laughing.

Dex waked out of the house holding three glowing orbs. They were going to play hide quest, which was like base quest except you hide your orb and then try to find each other's to win points.

He tossed them each their own and set a timer on his watch.

"K everyone 3 minutes to hide..," he said as they looked at each other. "3,2,1...Go!"

They all ran off opposite directions in the gardens. After three minutes they heard the alarm and hurried off hunting for each other's orbs.

Sophie walked past a thicket and saw a faint gold glow. She walked closer but suddenly her foot got caught in a root. She tripped and let out a yelp as she landed on a rock that sliced open a good portion of her calf.

"Shit!" She said under her breath.

There was a rustle in the bushes a few feet away and Keefe emerged.

"You ok?" He said, "I heard you yell."

"I'm fine," Sophie said gritting her teeth. She sat up. Luckily her leggings hadn't torn and he couldn't see the blood. He helped her up and she took a shaky breath as she limped to the orb. She touched it and it glowed green.

"Your leg doesn't look good..." Keefe said, "Sophie your bleeding!" He noticed blood trickling down her ankle.

He motioned for her to sit down. He tied a handkerchief around her leg slowing the flow a little. They limped back into the clearing and saw Dex holding both of their orbs.

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