Chapter 28: Fuck Alvar

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the following chapter contains violence, graphic descriptions, and heavy swearing


"I'll make him pay," Fitz said under his breath.


After school Fitz got home. He was mad. Madder than he had ever been.

He ran upstairs and down the hall to Alvar's room. He slammed open the door.

Alvar was sitting in a chair with an ice pack on his head. "Woah!," Alvar said, "Shhhh! I have a major hangover."

"Yeah I heard you got drunk and tried to fucking rape my girlfriend"

Alvar's smile quickly faded. "I can explain," he said standing up.

Fitz lunged forward jumping on top of him.

They fell onto the floor.

"I didn't mean to." Alvar said trying to block Fitz's fists.

Fitz grabbed the collar of Alvar's shirt and slammed his head against the tile.

"You 'didn't mean' to ATTACK her?" Fitz yelled. "Bulshit!"

A noticeable stream of blood started pooling on the floor.

Fitz was sitting on top of Alvar's chest. One of his punches landed Alvar squarely in the jaw.

He spat blood. "FITZ, enough!"

"FUCK YOU!" Fitz yelled as he wrapped his hands around Alvar a neck. Alvar clawed at Fitz's wrists. The seconds passed.

Alvar kicked him in the stomach in an attempt to loosen Fitz's grip. He let go and doubled over. Alvar scrambled up and tried to get on top of him, but Fitz was faster.

He grabbed a lamp off of a side table and before thinking smashed it into Alvar's head. All of his limbs dropped and he fell laying still on the floor. Fitz stood there panting, the lamp slowly sliding from his grasp where it fell making a thump as it hit the floor echoing in the now silent room.


He wasn't sure if Alvar was just unconscious or.....

He quickly locked Alvar's door and went into the bathroom.  He rummaged around and found some bleach. He went to the door and looked down the hall. It was clear. He dragged Alvar's limp body three doors down into his room. He opened his closet and shoved Alvar inside, locking the door.

He ran back to Alvar's room and grabbed the bleach. He quickly cleaned up the mess.

If Alvar was alive he couldn't keep him there forever. Someone would find him. But he couldn't kill him now. Not while he wasn't conscious.............or could he? Had he already? He shook his head. I'm not thinking straight. I need to get cleaned up and go down to dinner like normal he though.

He went into his own bathroom and ran hot water in the sink. He started washing his hands and he watched the blood trickle in circles down the drain. He looked up at his reflection in the mirror and fixed his hair. He took a deep breath. This is for what Alvar did to Sophie. Now all he had to do was act natural.

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