Chapter 4: Holding her

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" seems like you two have been working on your relationship?" Tiergan said emphasizing the last word like question.

"We're just friends," Fitz finally spoke up. Tiergan nodded.  "With benefits" he transmitted to Sophie. She looked up at him with a scowl.

Tiergan cleared his throat interrupting their telepathic conversation. They explained how Fitz had been able to enter Sophie's subconscious the night before, leaving out the kiss. Tiergan seemed impressed and they spent the rest of the class doing trust exercises.

When they exitted the room Keefe was waiting outside. He fanned the air.

"Getting some awkward vibes here," he said looking at them.

Fitz finally started laughing. "Tiergan came into the room with the worst timing!" Sophie  couldn't help from smiling.

"Bet it wasn't as bad as the Great Gulon Incedent," Keefe added.

"Well?" Fitz said looking at Sophie. They both laughed, Sophie blushing.


On the way back to her locker, Sophie stopped  when she saw Dex.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey..." she said back. He didn't look too traumatized from earlier. She leaned in and gave him a hug. "You know you're my best friend right?" She asked. He nodded.

They broke apart and with that she left, hoping she had resolved everything from earlier. He waved as she rounded the corner.


After school she lept to the Vacker's for her monthly check in with Alden. As she walked up the stairs on her way to Alden's office, she imagined what he would do if he found out she had kissed Fitz. Would he be able to tell?! She thought, growing anxious. She would have to tell him eventually because of her "brain attack." That's what she'd been calling it. She thought she should hold it off on telling him though. It was still too fresh, and it might not even happen again. Better not to worry him she thought. She entered his office.

"Hey Sophie!" Alden said. He looked happy. As of recent, there hadn't been much trouble with the Neverseen and everyone was hoping they had calmed at least for a little while.

"Hey," Sophie said. "Anything I need to be updated on?"

"Well we haven't been able to open the cache yet but our best technopaths are on it." He said  staring out the window absentmindedly. "But how are you Sophie? We haven't had the time to catch up in a while"

She smiled looking down. "I'm good, I haven't honestly been doing much."

He nodded. "Well if there really isn't anything you want to talk about, you can go and hang out with the kids. I've got some work for the council I need to catch up on."

"There is one thing...," Sophie interrupted.


"Can I stay the night in the guest bedroom?," she asked. "Grady and Edaline are out of town tonight....and I don't really like to be home alone. Even with Sandor it gets so quiet."

"Of course Sophie," was all he said. He could tell she was hiding something but decided to let her go. With that she left his office and started heading downstairs to see what Baina was up to.

As she turned the corner and started heading down another flight of steps, Her temples began searing as she was violently thrown forward by a spasm. As she stumbled, Fitz who was coming up the stairs, reached out grabbing her arm to steady her. As soon as he touched her skin he drew his hand back swiftly. He could feel her pain.

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