Markiplier TV.

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(yes, I switch from he/she/they pronouns for Oscar/Rin because that's what they like)

The sound of a VCR starting up filled the room and the TV turned on. Some upbeat music was being wound up as the Camera was focused on the Golden Gate bridge. The words
'Markiplier TV'
Appeared on the screen.

Upbeat music played as Amy, Kathryne, Ethan, Tyler, and Mark all ran towards the camera. The camera panned over to Tyler hitting a baseball than to Mark playing Chess with the Words
'Mark Fishbach as Markiplier' fading onto the screen.

The Camera changed to show Ethan putting some magnets on the fridge that said. 'No bra please'

Amy then open's the fridge and pulled out some pizza bits still in the package.
'Amy Nelson As Peebles'

The Screen Pans over to Mark yelling fakely at his phone. Only to turn and give a thumbs up at the Camera.

Ethan's in a scouts uniform is trying to start a fire, but gets frustrated and throws the sticks onto the ground before shrugging at the Camera.
'Ethan Nestor As THE CrankGameplays.

Cutover to Kathryn, kissing a stuffed animal dog before throwing it over her shoulder-shrugging at the Camera. It suddenly shows Kathryn walking out from behind a tree.
'Kathryn Kuntsen As Editor.'

It cuts to Amy poorly cropped onto the Golden Gate bridge before Cutting to Tyler in the shower.
'Tyler Scheid As Apocalpto_12'

The Camera show's Mark and Kathryn reading before they both looked up and started to laugh.

Suddenly Mark and Amy turn and wave at the Camera like some really bad rip off of Full house...

Marks suddenly poorly cropped onto the moon before cutting over to Tyler lifting weights.

Everyone is on the couch with a space that Ethan sits in. Chica comes into the room, her head immediately going for Tyler's crotch.
'Executive Producer Dick Wolf'
The sound of someone changing the channel is heard.
Jim's news is suddenly on. A Jim with glasses and a blue shirt with a gray overcoat is sitting at a desk. "Every resident of the Metropolitan Zoo has died. And now for the weather. Jim?" The news reporter said before the camera changed to show another Jim with just a blue shirt on, standing outside in the snow, snow-covered trees behind him. Clearly fake.

"Thanks, Jim. As you can see behind me it's..." The Jim paused and looked at his hand that had no watch on it. "3:13 in the afternoon..." He looked around and stuck his finger in his mouth before sticking it in the air. "Dry..." He said smacking his lips.



The camera cut away to a Doctor opening some curtains all dramatic like. " I'm Dr. Iplier. I'm sorry... You're dying." He said. Suspenseful music played as it showed Ethan on the couch. "Oh Shit," Ethan said looking up before the camera cut away to show the Dr. Starring intensely.


Rock music started to do play and a car pulled up with Chica in it. " think she cares? Nope. Bad DOG." The narrator said. The camera showed the fake dog driving by. Some trash was thrown out the window. " littering it is awesome. BAD DOG" the Narrator said once more as 'BAD DOG' smashed for say, onto the screen.

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