Rin Explanation

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So...this isn't a chapter, chapter but it is important to understanding My of Rin.

    Rin, much like Dark, is two souls in one body. Those two souls being Oscar and Jack. And much like Dark who has a red and blue ora or hue if you will around him, Rin has a Green and Purple one. like Wilford, the laws of reality do not apply to Rin. So they can constantly pop in and out of places.

Why is Jack apart of Rin, how does that work?
   Jack is Jacksepticeye, but not the real-life one. (It gets confusing here) so in this universe, you have your egos and the host. The Jack who is apart of Rin is an ego and not the host. Now you may be asking which ego? And it's very confusing, but take Jack's channel, and not the person running the channel, take the Channel by its self and make it into a being with thoughts, and there's the "ego" soul within Rin.

   Why is Rin called Rin?
       That one is because Jack and Oscar thought it would be very weird just using one of there names so they Came up with Rin.

   Now Rin is his own person, Rin has her own thoughts and feelings, but are persuaded by Oscar and Jack. Oscar and Jack are kind of like your shoulder angel and devil, but with much greater impact.

    Now, let's sum up the relationship between Rin, Will, Dark, and Actor Mark, and Celine...as well as Spy Mark I guess.

    So... Actor Mark and Celine had Oscar.
•When Oscar was about 5 years old, Celine started to have an affair with William.

•When Oscar was 9 they found out about the affair, but Celine made then keep it a secret from Mark.

•At age 11 Celine ran off with William, Making William Oscar's stepdad and Oscar was okay with that. Now, Oscar doesn't like what Celine did to Mark, but they were chill with William being their stepdad, as he helped raise him when Mark was off acting.

•Mark kept getting worse and worse, but never did anything or blamed anything on Oscar, in fact, Mark hated William more calming that "will took both his wife and child away" but that wasn't true as Oscar still loved her father.

•When Oscar turned 12 it was the worst year. Mark started to become angry and lash out, (he never once hit Oscar) but he would constantly scream and yell at the smallest things as his career fell down. Oscar took up cutting and became severely depressed as A his Father was getting worse and B Celine won't let Oscar see her or William anymore.

•Now through all this time Damien has been in touch and trying to get Oscar to stay with him, but campaigning got a bit in the way until
Around the middle of the year, Oscar got a letter from Damien saying he had just moved into the "big house" as the new Mayor and offered Oscar a room.

•Oscar feeling like they're just making things worse for Mark accepted and moved in with there uncle Damien.

•In the three years, Oscar has lived with Damien, she has stopped cutting and found enjoyment in writing. They went out and helped Damien on the sidelines

•Then at age 16, they got the invite from Mark.

Now that was back story... let's get more into relationships and Rin.

Actor Mark
   Rin no longer sees AMark as his father, she still respects the man. Rin can never forgive Mark for what he did, but that doesn't mean that she hates him. Rin does not hate Mark and respects him, but he also does not forgive Mark.

   Rin sees William more as there father now. He still will occasionally refer to Will as her stepfather, but that's because Oscar can never forget Mark. Wilford understands and loves taking up the role of Father. Wilford adores his dark strange child and will protect at all costs. The two look out for each other and love each other.

Damien/ Dark
    Rin sees Dark as her other father. Rin sees Dark as Dark and not as Celine and Damien in one, just as Dark sees Rin as his child, he sees Rin as Rin, and not Oscar and Jack in one. Rin normal just stays Darks' name or Wilford's name as to not confuse others. Dark understands what Rin is going through and acts very Fatherly towards the child. Now, Rin normally takes on little "missions" if you want to call them that, to help Dark.

    Rin still loves his mother but does not like what she did what so ever.

Spy Mark
   Spy Mark reminds Rin a lot of his father. Rin will be snappy and snarky with Spy Mark but still respects him. Spy Mark does have his "fatherly " instincts kick in around Rin sometimes. Both respect each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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