Monkey see, Monkey kill

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     (Ending 2 of 31 in a heist with markiplier. I switch from him/they/she for Rin cus they like it. Also Jack. And Oscar) (also also a heist with markiplier belongs to Mark))        


You blinked and looked around.

   " you can accompany me if you want." The man offered. "I lost my last assistant to an...... unfortunate boulder incident." He said with a long pause. "It's like that thing was hunting me...but anyway, you two seem up to the task. What do you say?" The man asked.

   You looked over to Rin getting a serious case of dashavoo as Rin nodded. Looking back at the Man you sighed. "An Adventure sounds Lovely." You said with a small smile. It's better than dying....right?

   The man smiled. "Oh, great. That's awesome." He said. "It's not every day that you meet someone that's willing to face almost certain death on a daily basis." You paled at this. Is this better then dying if I'm just going to die?

   The Man looked at the artifact that you, Mark, and Rin stole. "This thing, it's incredible. I've never seen anything like it." He said then gasped softly. "But I have seen a lot of monkey carvings on the walls on this temple, so they're probably related." The guy looked at you and looking to Rin. "I think this is destiny." When he said that you heard Monkeys. You went to say something about it but this guy cut you off by handing you the artifact. "Why don't you hold on to this for me?" He asked. You took the artifact and looked at it. "But be careful" you heard him say. "It might be cursed." He said. You hummed and kept looking at the monkey unable to look away. You saw its eyes start to turn red as The man's faded voice rung in your head. "So, don't look into his eyes for too long..."

   Rin pulled your hand down making you break eye contact with the thing. "Don't look into its eyes!" They warned before following the man. It took you a moment but you finally started to walk. "Come on, slowpoke." He called. "You gotta keep up with the big boys."

   "The name's Illinois." The guy said as you came upon some traps. "Pleasure to meet me." He said. You looked at him confused. "Don't you mean pleaser to meet yo-" Illinois cut you off. "And I know what your thinking." He said causing you to look at him weirdly. "Yes, I am single." Illinois winked at you, leaving you to blush lightly but you still rolled your eyes. You heard Rin snort a bit, and saw then cover their mouth slightly.

   "But I'm married to the job and my associates never last long, so best not to get too attached," Illinois said, ganging your attention. As you guys walked forward and well Illinois walked backward, you noticed a bunch of axes swinging from the ceiling. "Uh-Illinois!" You said in a slight panic. "Oh, I wouldn't worry about the traps." He said as he walked through them. You noticed Rin shrug before they followed. "Goddamit..." You muttered before holding your breath and walking through.

   You let out a small sigh in relief when it missed you. "They always seem to be perfectly timed to miss you if you're going at a casual walk," Illinois said as you three walked through each trap. "Well, that's convenient..." Rin said as they looked around, watching the trap either fly by and spring out at you three. Illinois nodded in agreement with Rin. "I think they count on people panicking and jumping around." He said barely dodging some fire. Yeah panicking. You were definitely panicking. More so on the inside than the outside.

   Illinois pulled you from your thoughts. "But you? You're as cool as a cucumber. I like that." Illinois once more managed to get you to blush.

   "None of my other associates ever had the stones to make it this far," Illinois said but then stopped. You were about to ask what was wrong but then a skeleton holding a sword popped out from behind a rock. "The Fook?" You heard Rin mutter a slight Irish accent coming through.

   "All right." Illinois pushed the skeleton down and continued to walk. "Well, well, we are." He said as the three of you walked up to three potoms. There were markings all over the walls.

  "That was a lot easier then I expected..." Rin mumbled as they looked around at all the markings. "I  had to guess, I'd say this is where the monkey statue goes," Illinois said walking to the potom that was in the middle.

   Illinois paused and looked at You and Rin. "You know you both have been an incredible help on this adventure, and I can't help but thank you." He said sincerity in his voice. But it was short-lived. " so why don't you just hand over the monkey statue and make this place whole again?" He asked putting out his hand.

   Rin looked at you as you held the statue in front of you. You knew that you should hand it over, as you stared into the things eyes, something came over you. Like this nagging voice in your head telling you to keep it. It got louder and louder as the statue's eyes glowed.

   "Hey!?" Rin yelled at you gently shaking your arm. You're mind when blank and you panicked. You stepped back quickly letting out a small screech. Rin backed up and Illinois looked worried. "Hey, buddy, you-you feeling all right?" He asked stepping closer to you. You panicked more, thinking he was gonna take your precious statue away. You screeched at him.

   "Whoa, whoa. Easy there, tiger. I wasn't going in for the kiss." Illinois said. You notice how he got in front of Rin slowly. Though your mind was bank you couldn't help but worry and panic. Your heart was racing and you couldn't standstill. You started to look around frantically.

   "Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me." Illinois said trying to gain your attention. "Do you remember when I told you not to look into the monkey's eyes?" He asked once you looked over at him. You tried to remember but you couldn't. You couldn't remember anything.

   "I was just wondering... " Rin spoke up taking a step closer. "If you could stop looking into the monkey's eyes." They said. You shook your head. The monkey gave you comfort. At this point, the monkey was the only thing you knew.

   You let out a small sound and held the monkey up looking into its eyes.
"Oh..." Illinois mumbled. "Oh!?" Rin asked and glanced back at you before back at Illinois. "This is no 'Oh' moment!" Illinois nodded and looked back at you. "Are you hearing noises? Maybe crazy monkey noises?" He asked. Now that he said that, you were...they were so loud you were surprised that the other two couldn't hear them. Still, you shook your head no. If you said yes, they would take you, baby, away.

   "Oh, all right. All right, listen, pal." Illinois stepped closer. "I think you're not quite feeling like your...self." He said. You backed up with a small screech. He was going to take your baby away!

   He paused and gently moved his hand forward. "So maybe you'd like to give me the monkey statue?" He asked. No!he was taking your baby away!! Red started to fill your vision. You angerly screeched at Illinois and attacked him.

   Unfortunately or fortunately you blacked out before you thought you actually hit him.

   Opening your eyes you saw that you were floating in the black void once more. you saw a button that said 
'Try Again?'
   Of course, you pushed it and a white light surrounded you. You heard someone whisper...before you blacked out.

Monkey see, monkey kill

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