Friends 4 Unlife

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(  Ending 4 out of 31 in the a heist with Markiplier. I switch from him/they/she for Rin cus they like it. Also Jack. And Oscar) (also also a heist with markiplier belongs to Mark))

You blink and looked around. You were back in the car with Mark and Rin. You were being given a choice.

   You looked to Rin for help but sighed when you realized that they weren't paying attention at all, just eating their food happily. "Um...just..." You though back to when Mark tried to fix the car. "Let's walk to Base..." You said with a small sigh.

   You heard Rin let out a sigh in relief as Mark's face dropped in disappointment. "Oh okay. Well, if you're sure." Mark said before grabbing the box. "But could you hold onto the box?" You nodded and took the box.

   "Just be very careful with it" Rin muttered as he was now paying attention. More to the box then you.

   "Oh, boy. Whew..." Mark mumble to himself as he took off his apprean. He then looked at you and Rin. "All right. Let's get to it." He said in a serious voice.

   The three of you got out of the car. "Maybe it won't be that bad, you know?" Mark said causing Rin to roll his eyes and cross her arms. "The weathers got but nice, you know?"

  "No, I don't know," Rin said sarcastically. "The airs good" mark continued ignoring Rin as you three walked. "It's good for the body, the lungs the kidneys, " Mark ranted. You weren't paying attention and managed to run straight into a bush.

   You groaned and glared at Rin as she laughed at you. You looked up when Mark started to talk once more. "Well, this looks promising." He said pointing to what seemed to be a base of some type. You nodded in agreement. Walking closer you hummed and looked to when helicopters flew by.

   "Okay...?" Rin asked slightly and followed Mark as he walked closer. "So, if we just-whoa!" Mark cut himself off when jets flew by. "The fuck?" You asked no one really. "Holy crap," Mark mumbled as rapid gunfire went off.

   "Uh, I mean, I know, we robbed a museum, but I didn't know it'd cause such a ruckus. " Mark said looking at you before suddenly there was this loud Explosion causing you to blackout.

You groaned and got up slowly as your ears wrung. Looking over you noticed how Rin was passed out on the ground. You glanced over Mark as he started to get up. Mark's expression turned to one of worry. "Hey. Hey, look out." He said pointing behind you.

   You gave him a confused look. "Hey, behind you! Behind you!" He yelled pointing behind you more frantically. You finally looked behind you to be met with a Zombie. You screeched as the Zombie bit you in the arm. It only let go as Mark ran over punching it in the face.

   "Oh, my God. Oh, my God, we gotta go." Mark said and ran over and picked the still passed out Rin off the ground before the two of you started to run. Turning around you saw the Zombies right on your fact, one of them looked like crankgameplays, Ethan...

   You quickly turned back around. "Let's go. Come on." Mark urged you to keep going as he ran with Rin in his arms.  "Go! Go! Go! Go!" He yelled as you heard growling behind you.

   Mark ran into a building. "Come on! Hurry up! In here. In here." Mark urged you to follow to which you did. Once inside Mark moved a barowl in the way of the door.

   "What the hell was that?" He asked glancing from Rin on the floor, back to the outside. You jumped at the sound of rapid gunfire once more. You winced at a sudden pain in your arm. Looking down you noticed how you had a bite, Mark. "Fuck..." You mumbled and quickly Hid your arm when Mark looked over.

   "Hey, you okay?" He asked sounding worried as you coughed. "Hey, you're alright? Was that a cough, are you getting sick?" He asked. "Here? Now?" He raised his voice causing you to take a step back. His face softened a bit when you winced in pain. "Man, okay. You need to tell me if you're getting sick, okay? Because I can go get you some cough medicine. I just need to know if it's that important..." He kept rambling on.

    You bit your lip. Tell the truth...or lie...honestly, you thought it'd be better, to tell the truth, and keep Rin and Mark safe. "Mark..." You cut the man off and showed him the Zombie bite.

Mark gasped as he saw the bite mark. "Well, we don't know if that was an actual " Zombie" Zombie." You sighed as Mark rambled. "It could've just been a guy who got real bitey today for-" you cut mark off by placing your finger over his mouth sushing him. In all honesty, Mark was being way too overdramatic.

   "Oh damn you." He cried. "Damn you, beautiful soul!" Mark started to "sob"...yep way too overdramatic. " Go!" He yelled at you.  "Get out of here!" You sighed and shrugged starting to walk away. You stopped and looked down at Rin's passed out being. You gently pat there head before walking away so you wouldn't hurt them more.

   You turned around one last time. "I'll always remember you!" Mark yelled out dramatically. You sighed and walked away. Groaning softly a pain went through your body. You looked around frantically as your world became distorted. After a moment of this, you looked down at your hands to see that you, in fact, were...a...Zombie.

   Looking up you noticed 4 other Zombies and walked towards them. One looked up and walked towards you at the same time. You both did the Zombie handshake...though you have no clue how you learned it.

   So you fully changed into a Zombie. but the bad end in most horror movies is somehow not so bad after all. You've even made friends here in the Zombie Apocalypse, and Zombiethan and Zombielyer love going Zombowling every Thursday. They also love Zombadmintoning every Wednesday and Zombolfing every Monday. And on weekends you all go Zombcamping and sing zombie zongs all night long. It's not the worst thing that could've happened. Really.

   You opened your eyes after the very weird narration...once more back in the void with the try again button...sighing you pushed it without a real thought to it. You heard a voice whisper before you blacked out.

Friends 4 Unlife

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